Performance Analysis of an Enhanced PRMA-HS Protocol for LEO Satellite Communication

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stayrose
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The packet reservation multiple access with hindering state (PRMA-HS) is a protocol suitable for LEO satellite mobile communication. Although working well with light system payload (amount of user terminals), the protocol imposes high channel congestion on system with heavy payload, thus degrades the system’s quality of service. To controlling the channel congestion, a scheme of enhanced PRMA-HS protocol is proposed, which aims to reduce the collision of voice packets by adopting a mechanism of access control. Through theoretic analysis, the system’s mathematic model is presented and the packet drop probability of the scheme is deduced. To testify the performance of the scheme, a simulation is performed and the results support our analysis. The packet reservation multiple access with hindering state (PRMA-HS) is a protocol suitable for LEO satellite mobile communication, the protocol imposes high channel congestion on system with heavy payload, thus degrades the system’s quality of service. To controlling the channel congestion, a scheme of enhanced PRMA-HS protocol is proposed, which aims to reduce the collision of voice packets by adopting a mechanism of access control. Through theoretic analysis, the system’s mathematic model is presented and the packet drop probability of the scheme is deduced. To testify the performance of the scheme, a simulation is performed and the results support our analysis.
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