
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mai120117
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乡(镇)电管站是电业部门的“窗口”单位,对电业部门的经济效益、社会形象等方面关系甚大。目前,不少乡(镇)电管站管理上不去,电费“三乱”现象长期禁而不止。造成这种状况的原因除该站站长、管理人员的自身素质外,其中一个重要原因是这些电管站的管理人员、特别是站长长时期呆在一个地方,或一直在本乡本土工作,被“关系网”捆住了手脚,难点问题不易突破。流水不腐,户枢不蠹。电管站人员实行有计划地合理交流,并逐步建立和完善乡、镇电管站人员交流制度,加大交流力度十分必要,这是推动农电改革的一项重要举措。笔者认为有以下几个方面的好处。 The township (town) electricity management station is the “window” unit of the electric power sector, and has a great deal of influence on the economic benefits and social image of the electric power sector. At present, many township (town) power management stations do not manage, and the “three chaos” phenomenon of electricity charges has been banned for a long time. The reason for this situation is that apart from the stationmaster and manager’s own quality, one of the important reasons is that the management staff of these stations, especially the stationmasters, stayed in a place for a long time or had been working in their hometown. The “relationship network” binds the hands and feet, and it is difficult for problems to break through. Flowing water does not rot, and the door pivots. It is imperative for the power management station personnel to carry out planned and reasonable exchanges, and gradually establish and improve personnel exchange systems for township and town power management stations. It is necessary to increase exchanges. This is an important measure to promote rural power reform. The author believes that there are the following advantages.
1995年6月19日至21日,辽宁省农电专业工作会议在辽宁省兴城市农电培训中心召开。会议间隙,省农电局副局长、高级工程师卢秉第同志接受了本刊记者的采访。 记者:卢局长,请您
近几年来,辉县市电业局狠抓市、乡、村三级管电网络、全面整顿农村低压电价,1994年减轻农民负担90.4万元。 一、实行农村电工统管制度 针对农电“三乱”现象,我局在全省第
阳台上的植物,在光阴中很是明媚。  居家小区的门卫换了好几人了,最近几年,一直是位马姓的回族老头和他老伴及孙子们。日子一恍惚,好几年过去了。  马师家口较大,大大小小好几人,他最小的孙子现已入了幼儿园,小点的自然读小学了,大点的女孩不知是孙子还是老来得女,也戴了纱巾,至于待字闺中还是出阁了,也不知就里,只是隔上一段时日,会遇到,如此断断续续的,一年多过去了。  一大家人,男男女女,看去很是热闹,是
杭州凯地丝绸股份有限公司深化企业内部改革出成效王治臣AchievementsResultedfromEnterpriseInternalDeepeningReformofHangzhouKaidiSilk¥WangZhichen杭州凯地丝绸股份有限公... Hangzhou Kaidi Silk Co., Ltd. deepened the internal reform of the enterprise to a
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1994年6月份,孟津县厘沟村因长期拖欠电费,缺合格电工被迫停电。后来实行了村电工竞争上岗,收到了明显效果,深受广大群众好评。 In June 1994, due to long-term delays in