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美国宣传奇才哈利,十五六岁的时候在一家马戏团做童工,负责在马戏场内叫卖小食品。但是,每次看戏的人不多,买东西吃的人则更少,尤其是饮料,很少有人问津。有一天,哈利突发奇想:向每一位买票的观众赠送一包花生,借以吸引观众。他用自己微薄的工资做担保,请求老板让他试一试。老板勉强同意。于是,马戏团的演出场地外就多了一个义务宣传员:⒊来 The US publicized the Wizards Harry, who was a child of a circus at the age of fifteen or sixteen and was responsible for selling small foods in the circus. However, there are not many people who watch the show each time, and fewer people buy things to eat, especially drinks. Few people are interested. One day, Harry had a whim: to present a bag of peanuts to every audience who bought tickets to attract the audience. He used his meager salary as a guarantee and asked the boss to give him a try. The boss reluctantly agreed. As a result, a circus volunteer was added outside the circus’ performance venue: 3.
英语中表示“害怕”的词和习语很多,分别强调了害怕的程度,粗分起来,似可归纳为以下七种: 1.一般性的恐惧,害怕。用得最多的是以fear,afraid为中心词的习语。如: ①The smug
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