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兰花炭疽病是兰花一种重要病害。发病初期叶片产生圆形、黑褐色病斑,后逐渐扩大边缘呈深褐色,中心灰白色,病斑易碎裂。严重发生时,病斑累累,叶片枯黄。防治对策:①剪除病叶,清除病残体,集中烧毁;②注意通风透光;③培育健壮植株,减少发病,防止浇水过量,尤其忌用直接喷浇植株;④发病植株可用50%苯来特和70%托布津或50%多菌灵600-800倍液喷洒,每10天左右一次,连喷3-4次,防效颇好。兰花圆斑病又名叶枯病。病侵害叶片,初为红褐色小斑,迅速扩大成半圆形或圆形的黑褐色病斑。叶片病斑较多时,病斑之间叶组织失绿变黄枯死。防治对策:①清除病叶;②植株生长季,用1:1:100波尔多液,70%百菌清500倍 Orchid anthracnose is an important disease of orchids. The early leaves of the disease produce round, dark brown lesions, and then gradually expand the edge was dark brown, gray center, lesions fragile. Severe disease, disease spots, leaves yellow. Prevention and treatment measures: ① cut off the diseased leaves, remove the sick and disabled, concentrated burned; ② pay attention to ventilation and light; ③ nurture robust plants to reduce the incidence of over-irrigation to prevent, especially avoid direct spraying plants; ④ the available plants can be 50% benzene To special and 70% Topaz or 50% carbendazim 600-800 times spray, every 10 days or so, even spray 3-4 times, the control effect is quite good. Orchid spot disease also known as leaf blight. Diseases infested leaves, early reddish brown spots, rapidly expanding into a semi-circular or round dark brown spots. More leaves lesions, the lesion between the green leaves turn pale yellow dead. Prevention and treatment measures: ① remove the diseased leaves; ② plant growth season, with 1: 1: 100 Bordeaux mixture, 70% chlorothalonil 500 times
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