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本文以门徒就耶稣“命名”的争论为背景,检视福音书中由妇女故事所组成的一个另类女性传统,即通过生活的、身体的经验,对耶稣宣教使命作一次“物质性”(materialistic)的诠释。《马太福音》和《路加福音》都记载了妇女追随者,她们从加利利就紧紧跟随着耶稣,供养他和使徒的传道事工。本文介绍了《马太福音》中主要的妇女故事,阅读和分析了耶稣与她们的相遇,亦重新建构耶稣传道的旅程,丰富耶稣与妇女相遇相知的图画。与彼得及一般的男使徒相比,女信众通过她们具体生活和身体的经验,将耶稣“道成肉身”的人性更深切具体地表达出来,将灵性与身体之间的张力更有效地展现在故事中。本文的阅读方法是对历来女性主义释经的整合,其中尽量兼顾文本自身的丰富历史性和文学性,也顾及文本之前的读者世界。本文引申于女性主义阅读理论中,包括历史批判方法的第一层对父权制的批判阅读、结合妇女平权诉求的第二层对女性主体位置争夺的阅读,再加上第三层的心理分析理论和法国女性主义,结果是个生动活泼、浸淫了丰富人文人情的耶稣与妇女相遇的图画。文章的末段加入一位香港小说家吴煦斌对马大和马利亚故事的重写,以突显耶稣被灵性化后与妇女具体生活的距离,藉此为妇女与耶稣物质性相遇作一个总结。 This dissertation, based on the disciples ’argument about Jesus “naming ”, examines an alternative female tradition composed of stories of women in the Gospels, that is, through life and physical experience, a “material” mission to Jesus’ (materialistic) interpretation. Both Matthew and Luke record women followers who follow Jesus closely from Galilee in the ministry of the apostles and apostles. This article introduces the main stories of women in Matthew, reads and analyzes Jesus’ encounter with them, reconstructs the journey of Jesus’ ministry, and enriches the picture of Jesus’ encounter with women. Compared with Peter and the average male apostles, the female believers express their humanity through Jesus’ “incarnation” more concretely through their specific life and body experience, and more effectively display the tension between spirituality and body In the story The reading method of this essay is the integration of interpretations of feminism in the past, taking into account the rich historical and literary nature of the text itself and the world of readers before the text. This article extends to the feminist reading theory, including the critical reading of the patriarchy in the first layer of the historical critical method, the reading of the competition for the position of the female main body in the second layer of women’s rights claim, and the third psychological analysis theory. French feminism, the result was a lively, immersed figure rich in humanity and Jesus met women. In the last paragraph of the article, a Hong Kong novelist named Wu Xu-bin re-wrote the story of Matthew and Mary to highlight the distance between Jesus’ spiritualization and the specific life of women in order to make a summary of the materialistic encounter between women and Jesus.
峨眉山金顶礼佛不遇  峰极苍茫里,诸天参未真。  望中无去路,身外即浮云。  猿啸时争树,花飞不避人。  空山得微雨,一净碧苔尘。  当 厨  无为当圣代,身结大庖缘。  除■怜新笋,批鳞试小鲜。  羹分娇女后,味得孟邻先。  老父唏嘘久,直夸尧舜年。  己丑重临剑门关  万壑来风万壑哀,白衣人立废营台。  平生自负兼奇气,袖底寒云扫不开。  仙峰寺小憩  孤峰直上指天心,古木寒垂半亩阴。  全取
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罨画立冬  秋冬交节候,水木感清欢。  黄密天如暮,碧深池不寒。  风过喧箬竹,鲤跳响桥栏。  立此非濠上,鱼心欲解难。  姑苏云鹤嘱题太湖石  泠风吹众窍,大晟出遗音。  一旦山河碎,千年笠泽深。  或惊波有骨,谁解陆沉心?  请立石,时时砺苦吟。  夜梦梅花  寒来夜半,清气破帘栊。  明昧罗浮下,联翩画阁东。  五更天未白,一剪袖盈红。  欲寄劳怀想,当时两地同。  浙游步秋兴七首  三游浙
1.主办方和协办方主办方:深圳证券交易所、深圳市人民政府、资本市场研究会协办方:嘉实基金管理公司、交银施罗 1. Organizers and co-organizers: Shenzhen Stock Exchange
[摘 要] 随着时代的发展,现在多媒体技术越来越普及,因此利用其诞生了许多新的教学模式,而微课正是其中的一种,因为其短小精悍,对知识点的专题讲解具有良好的教学效果。因此得到了人们的推崇,而随着教学改革的不断推进,中职教学改革也迫在眉睫,以中职市场营销专业为例,探究微课在教学中的运用。  [关 键 词] 微课;中职;市场营销  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0