The Biblical Codes in the Themes of The Great Gatsby

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  Abstract:Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest novelists in American literature. His excitably visionary sensibility, nourished in high school years by Catholic mysticism, fashioned him into a superbly perceptive critic in the 1920s.He achieved splendid artistic success with his masterpiece The Great Gatsby. This paper, taking the archetypal criticism and The Bible as the theoretical bedrock, attempts to perform sufficient analysis on the biblical themes in this novel. These biblical elements greatly add to the readability and profundity of the novel and further enrich its connotations.
  Key words: Bible;themes;Fitzgerald;The Great Gatsby
  One of Fitzgerald’s main aims is to show the reader that the world he illustrates in The Great Gatsby includes both despicable sin and substantial innocence, dazzling wealth and tragic emptiness, moral corruption and redemption, all of which are evident in American society of the 1920s. Fitzgerald in his work depicts the wealthy upper class. Straight away we see there are many contradictions, as the glittering surface impression of these wealthy people conceals their true nature as an immoral, careless and unsympathetic society. Moreover, these contradictions carry the features of The Bible, and reveal the themes of his work from a much deeper perspective.
  一、Sin and innocence
  The Bible is continually contrasting sin and innocence. Jesus is a prominent example of complete innocence for he has no sin. Furthermore, all followers of Christianity are to compare their innocence to Jesus, finding themselves sinners. Innocence can be defined as freedom from sin, moral wrong through lack of knowledge.
  Tom has a mistress (Myrtle) who he seems to parade when he went to New York and he has had many mistresses since he married Daisy. Most people will have seen this as a moral wrong but Tom does not believe that he is hurting anybody. When Tom seems to realize what he has been doing and how Daisy has turned against him, he tries to assert his authority and says that Daisy will not leave him. Then soon afterwards Myrtle is killed by Daisy when she is driving back with Gatsby as Myrtle thinks that Tom is driving the car so she wants to get away from her dull husband, Mr. Wilson. Tom believes that it is Gatsby’s fault and tells this to Mr. Wilson, who in turn murders Gatsby. Even though, Tom does not blame himself for all he has done.
  The second definition of innocence, freedom from guile, cunning or deceit, can be applied mostly to Gatsby. Gatsby lies to protect his history, which can ruin his chances to be with Daisy if it goes out. But later on when he asks Tom to set up a date with Daisy he shows that he is in the hope by trying to “steal” Daisy away from Tom. He meticulously plans on trying to get Daisy by inviting her to parties; he goes out on mini-dates with her. He does all this to regain a love that he has experienced in his youth. This shows how Gatsby loses his innocence.   Apart from the end of the characters innocence we can also look at the end of the search for innocence. By lusting after Daisy, Gatsby wanted to be with her because he wanted to return to a simpler time, when he is innocent. So in fact his desire for Daisy is just a search for innocence and a return to a time when he is younger. In doing so he wants to recapture his ‘inseparable’ relation between him and Daisy. But ultimately he fails in trying to do so as Daisy betrays him again. Gatsby’s search for innocence ends, for as long as he is alive there is still a chance for him to regain his innocence but his death signals the end of innocence for him.
  As readers, we feel hard to define innocence and sin for all those characters, but we feel that sin seems hard to avoid and innocence is easily lost in everyone in that age.
  二、Wealth and emptiness
  According to The Bible, a person’s value should be judged by their actions and not by money or possessions. Jesus taught that wealth encourages greed and selfishness and doesn’t lead to true happiness. Christians believe that wealth sometimes can be used for good or evil, and so, in itself it is not a bad thing. Also Christians should believe that materialism is wrong, this means believing in more than money and possessions, more on deeper worth’s such as justice and compassion.
  Money affects different people in different ways in The Great Gatsby.Wealth can be distinguished from class; it is possible to achieve great wealth without being accepted into the elite class, as evidenced by Jay Gatsby’s experience. For Gatsby, it means that he will finally have a chance at getting Daisy.Poverty, on the other hand, restricts decision and action. George Wilson, for example, is unable to “go West” with his wife because he does not have enough money. It is money that allowed Tom and Daisy to go here and there, leaving other people to clean up their messes. The life of ease and luxury that Tom and others enjoyed is contrasted sharply with the stranglehold of poverty containing Myrtle and George Wilson or the life from which Jay Gatsby emerged. Wealth is what separated Gatsby from his love, as he noted of Daisy that “her voice is full of money.” His love of Daisy inspired him to devote his life to the acquisition of wealth. Gatsby gains wealth to impress Daisy, he has what is considered “new money”, and he tries to hide his wealth from people so that Daisy will not find out. But finally, as if doomed by The Bible, Gatsby’s money does not bring him what he has longing for.   The end result of the novel is money does not bring happiness. One can say that because of Gatsby’s dishonesty, nothing but collapse comes at the end of the novel. The Great Gatsby serves as an example of the negative view of money and gross materialism which result in emptiness in the modernist era.
  三、Demoralization and redemption
  The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is not only about the tragic love of a man and a woman. Beneath that main story however, it is actually about the moral decline of the 1920’s, when money and material are placed above morals and virtue. Fitzgerald views the cities as the beginning of this demoralization, because we can find in this novel, the narrator, Nick, quickly sees how materialistic, vain, and selfish the people of New York are the first time when he exposed to this wealthy urban society. The City in The Bible is also viewed as implications for urban ministry. And the city, over against the wilderness of devoted nomads or the rural landscape of faithful peasants, is said by some to be the center of wickedness.
  In the society of the lost ideals, Gatsby is a hot and romantic idealist, and his marvelous genius to the hope and romance has made him turn a blind eye to American cruel social reality and desperately seeks after impractical romantic love. The novel really responded to the struggle for statuses between the new noble men and the old groups. Tom and Daisy were extreme egoists and real materialist. Because of Tom’s conspiracy and Daisy’s betrayal, Gatsby’s death is tragic.
  In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald leaves room for redemption. Gatsby dreams of gaining Daisy’s love and then the two of them can live happily ever after. This simple dream, unlike all other dreams presented in the novel, has not been corrupted by the hunger for material wealth and is a true and pure dream. When Gatsby dreams bout this, he is killed in the swimming pool. We know that water is an important symbol representing baptism and redemption in western conventional awareness. Finally, Gatsby’s murder in the swimming pool is portrayed as a process of redemption, which is of great religious importance. Shot in his chlorinated pool, Gatsby overcomes his shortcomings and is “cleansed” of his sins.
  The Great Gatsby, endowed with biblical elements is a general criticism. This paper, taking archetype criticism as its theoretical base, offers an interpretation of the themes in The Great Gatsby. And we can naturally sense the influence of The Bible on Fitzgerald and his novel The Great Gatsby. The more we read the novel, the more we find its far-sightedness and profound insight. By full use of his writing talent, Fitzgerald reveals his criticism of the reality of American society of the Jazz Age.
  1.Bicknell, John. Virginia Quarterly Review: The Waste Land of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Virginia: University of Virginia, 1954: 556-572.
  2.Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby [M]. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  12.27 June. 2009 .
  13.21 July. 2009 .
摘要:本文通过对小学英语课堂中游戏实施中遇到问题的分析,从游戏前、游戏中、游戏后三个阶段进行阐述,并通过具体的实例,谈了小学英语游戏课堂中需要注意的问题以及解决方法。  关键字:小学英语;游戏;问题  越来越觉得游戏在小学英语课中的重要,特别是在小学中低年级,游戏的使用与否,往往会出现不同的情景:在没有运用游戏的课堂上,纪律可能会成为最大的问题;在运用游戏的课堂上,纪律可能不是问题,学生可能会兴奋
摘要:随着新课程改革的不断深入,高中英语课堂教学中也不断进行着教学方法和手段的革新,其中采用媒体进行教学曾为其中最显著的一种创新活动。多媒体教学作为一种全新的教学模式,不仅能给学生提供了丰富的学习资源,开创新颖的学习氛围和条件,有利于老师教学的深入开展。因而,借助多媒体技术开展教学也成为教育改革的一个重要方向和重点。本文就高中英语课堂教学中多媒体的运用做一些思考。  关键词:高中英语;多媒体教学;
摘要:英语学习是听说读写能力的综合培养。《高中英语教学大纲》提出:“写是书面表达和传达信息的交际能力,培养初步写的能力是英语教学的目的之一。”新课程标准也是以素质教育和促进学生的发展为根本宗旨,旨在培养学生运用英语的能力,使学生成为有效的读者、听者、写作者。  关键词:词汇;语法;句型;作文  英语书面表达是考查学生逻辑思维能力和综合运用英语知识能力的题型,更是英语高考中重要的一项内容。但学生普遍
高考完形填空题着力考察学生英语知识的综合运用能力,试题设题精巧,立意新颖,赋分较高而解答有一定难度。因而英语完形填空题的解答策略和方法,历来是高中英语教师孜孜不倦地探索的课题。  本文下面所说的四个方面,前两个方面可以概括为“大处着眼,前后关联”,后两个方面可以概括为“遵循规律,体察细节”。这就是笔者主张的完形填空题应采用的策略。  一、阅读全文,掌握大意  完形填空题实际上是一种障碍性阅读理解题
摘要:在日常教学中,我们发现有很多同学于课前并没有自觉而认真地预习,即使有数者,也是马马虎虎、随随便便、敷衍了事,纯粹是为应付老师任务检查而去预习。长存下去他们的学习成效甚微,因此,我们必须加强备课,完善各个环节,正确引导学生全心倾注于预习,让他们从中获取智慧的全赢。  关键词:预习目的;要求;方法;习惯;制度  常言道:“凡事预则立,不预则废。”农民在耕作前要“备耕”,工人在生产前要“备料”,部
摘要:本文探讨的是围绕一节小学英语语篇教学课谈谈“如何进行小学英语篇教学?”,并从“课前热身,紧密结合学生实际,新授词句穿插其中”、“课文学习,多种方式综合运用,循序渐进层层深入”、“ 课后巩固,内化语言实践体验,综合能力全面提高”和“作业布置,培养语言运用能力,注重开发学生智力”四个方面进行了具体的阐述  关键词:小学英语;语篇教学  牛津小学英语教材按“话题—功能—结构—任务”体系编写。话题、
摘要:本文主要从教学中如何在课堂上创设情境、优化情境以及采用直观手段等方面阐述了英语教学的教学策略和方法,以期能激发学生的学习情感,兴趣和求知欲望,使学生对学习英语产生兴趣,从而提高英语教学的效率与质量。  关键词:初中英语教学;创设外语情境;提高课堂效率  外语教学对学生的全面发展和基本素质的提高起着重要作用,而课堂外语教学是学生获取外语知识的重要渠道。激发学生的积极性,提高学生学习英语的兴趣使
摘要:英语阅读教学不仅要求学生通过阅读思考的学习形式来深入理解,感悟文本的内容,而且鼓励学生在阅读过程中能够尝试和探索运用多元化的形式来完成阅读学习任务。在教学中,依据学生的阅读理解差异性,培养学生的自主阅读和主动探究的良好学习习惯,更是提高学生阅读学习和理解感悟技能的有效途径。  关键词:高中英语;阅读教学;探究  阅读是人们言语交际能力的重要方面,也是英语学习的重要途径之一。阅读作为一种输入型
教育心理学认为,成功的教育教学都离不开情感因素的作用。一般说来,肯定的积极的情感体验有助于人的活动积极性的发挥,可提高工作和学习效率,产生积极影响;而否定的消极的情感体验则会使人消沉,妨碍工作和学习,影响身心健康。作为一名英语教师,如果能认识到情感因素在教育教学工作中的作用并积极地进行实践,不仅可以帮助学生塑造良好的品行,也有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,从而提高教育教学的有效性。  一、建立和谐民主的