The Future of Rural Area in the Trend of Urbanization

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yht52119
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  【Abstract】The essay mainly focuses on the possible development of countryside when urbanization has become an unstoppable trend in China and what the economic structure as well as people has to do to adapt to the inevitable future.
  【Key words】Rural Area; Urbanization; The Future
  【作者簡介】Duan Weihua, born in 2001, student of Shiyan High School.
  When a majority of cities in China have been rolling on the road of industrialization rapidly over the past twenty years, urbanization follows not far behind. Some coastal cities like Guangzhou and Shanghai where foreign investors are more welcome due to specific historical reasons, perform in a leading role of urbanization by constantly attracting a multitude of individuals per year. The residents of small villages, especially the younger and stronger ones, are more committed to moving into adjacent cosmopolitans to work instead of remaining home and guarding their sterile lands like their ancestors used to do. They adventure for many things, such as monetary, opportunities, higher status, and possibly massive horizon, which are basically everything the city gets to offer while the farmland does not. Thus, the future of these interspersed areas that struggle still on the poverty line hangs in the air.
  With the adolescents and labour force flowing out consistently, the future of rural industries are presented to be negative. Factories and plants goes bankrupt year after year, farmland becomes abandoned and infertile, men and women leave their homes, leaving feeble seniors and shrieking children behind.
  The elder people who suffer from severe loneliness and chronic diseases are also put into a destitute predicament, possessing mostly nothing apart from their shabby cottages and meager soil, while the children manage to survive the low leveled education by performing extra assiduously and diligently to obtain the opportunity of a decent job in some big cities and become one drop in the tide of urbanization. For farms being unattended, the economy of these rural areas is descending acceleratingly. However, the deterioration is hopefully going to cease given particular measures.
  From the perspective of the government, formulating a policy that may have an salient impact on the people who go out for working and attract them back to their hometown might be the vital solution for this dilemma. By regaining labour, there is a warrant for future development. Some pension funds should also be raised by either formal or civil organizations to not only ensure children of the privilege to get well-educated, but also argue for the living standards for those who are left behind. Enhancing the medical care systems is undoubtedly another effective method. While the welfare of children and older residents are reassured, the worries of middle aged citizens will be likely to decrease and choose filial company instead of the job offered in the inner city that simply pays more.   There are also some efforts that ought to be made by the companies which are presented to be a win-win situation. With more people dwelling in big cities, the price of lands is soaring as a result, many companies plan to relocate in the suburb, urging their workers to move along. Therefore, not only do the profits of the company remain, but also bring back the vigor for remote villages, offering a second chance of development.
  Last but not least, the villagers who tend to go out to cosmopolitans for opportunities should be conscious of the predicaments caused by their behavior and rethink their decision before they actually perform them. Given their separate circumstances, the majority of them are not always aware of the importance of their presence in their offsprings’ childhood, and the indispensability of their accompaniment for their aging parents. Once they acknowledge that, there is a great possibility that their decision will yield.
  In conclusion, though many stubborn problems still stand in the way, the future of rural area in the urbanization trend could manage to stay positive providing the support of the government , companies and individuals.
【摘要】英语是基础教育的重要学科之一,在小学阶段由于学生的年龄限制和语言环境的习惯问题,对英语接受程度偏低,英语学习效果不甚理想。为此,在新课改的推进作用下,英语教师采用故事教学法进行授课,本文从故事教学法的特点着手,分析当前小学英语存在的问题,并对小学英语语法教学中故事教学法的应用途径展开说明,希望能进一步提高英语教学效率和教学质量。  【关键词】小学英语;语法教学;故事教学法;应用途径  【作
【摘要】高中英语新课程改革对学生的英语语言综合运用能力提出了更高的要求,不仅要求掌握课程标准列出的基本知识,更要求学生在英语学习过程中提高自身的听说读写等能力。学生要想顺应时代的发展,就要不断提高自己的综合能力,养成良好的英语学科核心素养,提升学生对英语的感知能力,为学生的全面发展奠定基础。  【关键词】核心素养;读写结合;高中英语;教学措施  【作者简介】易廷廷,重庆市潼南中学校。  阅读与写作
【摘要】由于中专英语教育的不断改革,英语教材内容加强了专业性与人物之间的对话,使其更加贴近学生的生活环境。英文影视作品是一种结合图像、声音等信息,对中专英语教学有着极其重要的作用,激发学生学习英语兴趣,调动学生积极性,提高中专英语的教学效率是非常有必要的。本文将对英文影视作品在中专英语教学中的应用进行初步探究。  【关键词】英文影视作品;中专;英语教学;策略  【作者简介】闫尚荣,酒泉工贸中等专业
【摘要】随着素质教育的深入推进,高校《综合英语》课程在思政教学体系下要不断加强课程的德育能力,充分将思政元素渗透到英语课程中,通过社会主义核心价值观的渗入体现出英语学科的思政价值,为国家输出更多具有较强的政治觉悟以及爱国情怀的高素质人才。为此,本文以英语专业为例,分析高校《综合英语》课程中蕴含的思政教育价值,并论证了通过英语课程进行思政教育的重要意义,以此来实现高校《综合英语》的思政教育。  【关
【摘要】在教育事业持续加大力度、深入推进过程中,新课标的落实也愈加全面和具体,使得初中英语教学与小学英语教学之间存在较大落差,也让两个阶段的英语教学衔接成为全新问题,且这种问题伴随时间的推移愈加复杂和严重,已经到了必须解决的地步。本文笔者就针对新课标下小学英语和初中英语课堂教学有效衔接进行深入探究,阐述自身观点与建议,希望可以给相关教育工作者带去实质性的帮助。  【关键词】新课标;小学英语;初中英
【摘要】在课堂教学中教学行为主要是教师在传授知识时所应用的方法,希望能够以此完成学习目标。随着新课程标准的实行,对教师行为也提出较多新的要求。初中英语教师中的课堂行为可以有效提升教学质量。此次研究主要是探讨分析初中英语教师课堂教学行为的有效性,希望能够对相关人员起到参考性价值。  【关键词】初中英语教师;课堂教学行为;有效性  【作者简介】张玉凤,山东省东营市垦利区第二实验中学。  教育的目的在于
一、引言  阅读教学是高中英语教学的一个重点和难点。传统的教学方法侧重讲解知识点而割裂了文章的内在联系。老师大多依赖教科书和教学参考书,忽视了教学方式的独立性和创造性。<<普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)>>强调要发展学科核心素养,落实立德树人的根本任务。事实上英语阅读课就是学生发展思维品质,提升思维能力的有效平台。目前南京梅山高级中学所教的教材是上海版《牛津英语》。它的课文大多篇幅较长,内容