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建设优美的林业生态系统和丰富的生物多样性,已成为世界人民的普遍心愿。国际林业主题节日的设立,正是基于这样一种共识:没有林业的健康发展,就没有生态与环境的根本性改善,也无法维系社会的可持续发展。目前,全球影响力较大的国际林业主题节日有世界湿地日、世界森林日、国际爱鸟日、国际生物多样性日、世界防治荒漠化和干旱日、世界爱虎日、世界动物日共7个。 Building beautiful forestry ecosystems and rich biodiversity has become a common aspiration of the people of the world. The establishment of the international forestry theme festival is based on the consensus that without the sound development of forestry, there will be no fundamental improvement in ecology and environment nor the sustainable development of society. At present, the world’s most influential international forestry festivals are World Wetlands Day, World Forest Day, International Bird-Love Day, International Day for Biological Diversity, World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, World Tiger Day and World Animal Day .
目的 :介绍应用放射性碘治疗乳头状和滤泡性甲状腺癌的情况。方法 :自由选择 1996年内经不同疗法的病人进行医疗健康研究。在地区癌中心和肿瘤登记局协调下 ,由外科、病理、
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SELENIUM is an indispensable trace element to human beings and normal animals but if found in excessively high dietary concentrations, it can cause poisoning.
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