
来源 :大家健康(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arnohuang123
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目的:探讨健康教育对社区婴儿家长参与儿童保健的效果,其目的就是为了提高儿童的健康水平,从而促进儿童的健康成长。方法:选取我社区的150例婴儿作为研究的对象,按照随机的方式将150例患者分为观察组和对照组,每组各75例。对照组的婴儿按照社区的工作规范向家长普及相关的知识。观察组的患者通过向儿童家长发放健康小册子、儿童保健知识的讲座以及电话信息的咨询等,向儿童的家长讲解有关的知识。等到6个月之后,对两组婴儿家长的儿童保健知识以及婴儿参加体检和接种疫苗等进行统计和分析。结果:两组婴儿家长在接受半年的健康教育之后,观察组婴儿家长对儿童保健知识的掌握程度为98%,而婴儿的体检参加率为90%,婴儿接种疫苗率为100%;对照组中婴儿家长对儿童保健知识的掌握程度率为83%,婴儿的体检参加率为80%,婴儿接种疫苗率为90%。通过比较可以得知,观察组的保健效果要明显优于对照组,两组之间的比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对社区婴儿家长进行健康教育能够明显提高婴儿家长对儿童保健知识的掌握程度,能够帮助婴儿接受体检,减少疾病的传播,提高婴儿的健康水平。 Objective: To explore the effect of health education on the participation of infants’ parents in community health care. The purpose is to improve the health of children and promote the healthy growth of children. Methods: A total of 150 infants in our community were enrolled in this study. 150 patients were randomly divided into observation group and control group with 75 cases in each group. Babies in the control group popularized relevant knowledge to their parents in accordance with the community’s work rules. Patients in the observation group explained the knowledge to parents of children by issuing health brochures, child health knowledge lectures, and telephone counseling to their parents. Wait until 6 months later, the two groups of parents of children’s child care knowledge and infants attend medical examination and vaccination statistics and analysis. Results: After six months of parental health education, parents of infants in the observation group had a mastery degree of 98% of children’s health knowledge, while the rate of babies taking physical examination was 90% and that of infants was 100%. In the control group Infants ’mastery of child health knowledge was 83%, infants’ physical attendance was 80%, and infants vaccinated at 90%. By comparison, we can see that the observation group of health effects were significantly better than the control group, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: Health education for parents of infants in community can significantly increase the mastery degree of infants’ parents about child health knowledge, which can help infants to receive medical examination, reduce the spread of diseases and improve their health.
案例:  2011年11月中旬,新婚不久的安女士曾几次到县妇幼保健站门诊进行妊娠常规检查,其中有两次B超检查发现宫腔等处存在明显异常现象。该保健站门诊为安女士出具病理报告单,告知安女士不排除宫外孕的可能,如有腹痛应随时就诊。11天后,安女士因上腹疼痛再次到该院复诊检查,被确诊为宫外孕,并安排其住院治疗,共花费医疗费9300元。  事后,安女士找到保健站门诊,要求其退还医疗费,并赔偿一定数额的精神损