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从虹那里回来,我就再也支撑不住了,揪心的疼痛折磨着我,使我整个晚上翻来覆去睡不好觉。不仅仅是为兔死狐悲,唇亡齿寒,更主要的是我对不起虹,是我害了她,到死我也不能原谅自己。那天中午我站在市新华书店门口的台阶上正发愣,有两个姑娘从这里走过,我一抬头,那穿西服卷头发的白皙姑娘蓦然回首,这不是虹吗?那眉眼,那脸型,那神采,我好激动。但我不敢开口叫“虹!”我和 I came back from the rainbow and I could not support it any longer. The gripping pain torment me so that I could not sleep well overnight. Not only for the rabbit fox, lip cold, more importantly, I’m sorry rainbow, I hurt her, to death I can not forgive myself. At noon that day I stood on the steps of the Xinhua Bookstore in the city was stunned, there are two girls walked from here, I looked up, then wearing a white suit girl suit hair suddenly glanced back, this is not a rainbow? That facial features, That look, I am so excited. But I can not say “Rainbow!”
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