
来源 :现代手术学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icewangb
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本文对传统子宫切除术进行改进,在切除病灶的同时重建子宫。本组10例,其中顽固性功能失调性子宫出血3例,子宫粘膜下肌瘤2例,单发及多发性浆膜下肌壁间肌瘤5例。随访6~12个月,术后一个月即恢复正常月经周期,经期缩短,经血量减少,无痛经,性生活质量无改变。该术式操作简便,无损伤子宫周围韧带、血管及神经,无损伤输卵管,又不影响卵巢功能,保持了阴道解剖关系上的完整性,因此,对维持女性生理功能,提高生活质量具有重要意义。 This article improves the traditional hysterectomy and reconstructs the uterus while removing the lesion. The group of 10 patients, including refractory dysfunctional uterine bleeding in 3 cases, 2 cases of uterine submucous myoma, single and multiple sub-submucous myomas in 5 cases. Follow-up 6 to 12 months, one month after surgery to restore the normal menstrual cycle, menstrual shortening, menstrual flow, no dysmenorrhea, no change in quality of life. The operation is simple, without damage to the uterine ligaments, blood vessels and nerves, without damaging the fallopian tubes, without affecting ovarian function, maintaining the integrity of the vaginal anatomy, therefore, to maintain the physiological function of women and improve the quality of life is of great significance .
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一、病例介绍 患者女32岁,既往月经规律,量中,无痛经。孕3产1,末次月经1995年4月23日。停经37天时有阴道少量出血,不伴腹痛。查尿hCG(+),B超示“宫腔积血,宫外孕?”,于1995