Chinese Travelers to Spend $14 Billion Overseas During Spring Festival,Ctrip Says

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  Chinese travelers are expected to spend 100 billion yuan ($14.5 billion), while on vacation outside the mainland during the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday in late January and early February, according to Ctrip, China’s largest travel services website.
  Rising incomes and friendlier visa policies for Chinese passport holders have allowed more people to break away from the tradition of spending the Lunar New Year at home. And a depreciating yuan is unlikely to make a significant dent in travel numbers, the company said in a report last week. Ctrip predicts that about 6 million Chinese will travel outside the country during the seven-day holiday, also known as the Spring Festival, which starts on Jan. 27.
  Nearly 5.2 million people traveled abroad during the 2016 Lunar New Year, a 10% increase from a year earlier, according to the latest data available on the website of the China National Tourism Administration. A research group under the government’s tourism agency and Ctrip together estimated Chinese travelers had spent 90 billion yuan, while on trips abroad during the 2016 Lunar New Year.
  Spending the traditional holiday overseas remains a popular option for the country’s growing middle class despite the recent slide in the value of the yuan, which makes overseas travel more expensive. The People’s Bank of China set the central parity rate of the yuan at 6.9508 per dollar on Friday, the lowest value since May 2008. But most travelers won’t cancel arrangements because they “only travel overseas once or twice a year and usually made travel plans two months in advance,”the company said.
  Thailand, Japan and the U.S. are so far the most popular planned destinations for Chinese travelers for the 2017 Spring Festival, according to bookings made on Ctrip, the company said. While the cost of traveling to countries such as Thailand, the U.S. and the Philippines for the 2017 Spring Festival are expected to increase 3% to 15% from the same period last year, a host of other destinations vying to attract Chinese travelers have relaxed visa rules and increased the number of international flights, pushing down costs, according to the report. These destinations include South Korea, Singapore, Italy and Turkey.
  Although China has become the top source of international outbound travelers with 120 million people visiting foreign countries in 2015, the potential of the market is still big, as less than 10% of the population have passports, Ctrip said. In November, President Xi Jinping said during the APEC CEO Summit in Peru that Chinese tourists will make a total of 700 million overseas trips in the next five years.
He’s been called many things over the years, including “Finger lickin’ good” by admirers and “greasy” by detractors. But “revolutionary” is one of the last words that springs to mind when describing C
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China has specified the measures that will ease or lift foreign investment restrictions in its financial markets.  Foreign businesses will be allowed to own up to 51 percent of shares in joint venture
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这位63岁的海归金融专家,中国光大集团和中国银行曾经的“救火员”,银监会首任主席,能否在其任期的最后阶段成功度过金融危机的考验?    随着国美电器董事会前主席黄光裕案的深入,有香港媒体5月初报道,中国证监会和银监会高层被传已遭调查,并受党纪处分。黄操纵股市与通过银行大笔洗钱,都与这两个机构监管不力有关。  在早前中国股市大跌和资本金融黑幕频曝之时,类似传言其实就屡有出现,但最终往往被证实纯属谣传
在打造菲亚特全球汽车帝国方面,如果马尔基翁最终取得成功,恐怕就连曾经拯救过日产和雷诺两家汽车公司的“奇才”戈恩卡洛斯都会显得黯然失色。    据意大利《共和国报》报道,菲亚特汽车公司CEO塞吉奥马尔基翁(Sergio Marchionne)5月6日表示,他将成为克莱斯勒新一任CEO。  菲亚特刚刚完成与美国第三大汽车巨头克莱斯勒的联合。克莱斯勒已于4月30日提出破产申请。在破产保护期间,菲亚特将持
与金融危机下资本退潮、财富大幅缩水形成鲜明对比,5月8日,刘忠田带领中国忠旺赴港上市,成就今年以来全球最大IPO。    5月8日,中国忠旺控股有限公司(下称“中国忠旺”,1333.HK)成功登陆香港联交所(下称“港交所”)主板市场,首次公开发行14亿股,募资所得净额94.94亿港元(未行使超额配股权),成为今年以来全球最大金额的IPO。董事长刘忠田持有中国忠旺40亿股股份,按照发行当日收盘价每股
在房地产市场上博弈的众多参与者中,地方政府是这个游戏中的净收益者,房地产膨胀得越大,地方政府的收益就越大。而与此同时,它的成本却是零。    据中国媒体近日报道,对于一直成谜的房地产开发项目费用的支出结构,国家统计局已经下发通知,将通过一场针对40个重点城市商品住宅开发费用的专项调查予以摸底。  据悉,本次调查的主要内容,一是调查样本房地产开发企业基本情况、房地产开发项目个数、房地产开发企业财务状
“懂不懂政治”成为非常时期民营企业家命运走向的主要度量衡。    五年前为国家宏观调控祭旗的江苏铁本钢铁有限公司(下称“铁本公司”)董事长戴国芳近日终获自由,承载了诸多非议和悲情色彩的“铁本案”也宣告结束。  4月17日下午,江苏省常州市中级人民法院依法对被告单位铁本公司及戴国芳等8名被告人虚开用于抵扣税款发票案进行了一审宣判。以虚开用于抵扣税款发票罪依法判处被告单位铁本公司罚金人民币40万元,被
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