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娄底地区行政公署,各市、州、县人民政府,省直机关各单位:为了认真贯彻落实《国务院关于印发当前推进粮食流通体制改革意见的通知》(国发[1998]35号)精神,坚定不移地把粮食流通体制改革进行下去,现将有关问题通知如下:一、确立国有粮食收储企业自主经营、自负盈亏的新机制(一)全省国有粮食收储企业要真正做到政企分开,在人财物等方面与各级粮食局彻底脱钩,真正成为独立核算、自主经营、自负盈亏的经济实体。要充分尊重和保护国有粮食企业的经营自主权,任何单位和个人都不得干预企业的正常经营活动。国有粮食收储企业的运行体制,在本粮食年度内(1999年3月底以前)原则上维持以乡(镇)粮站(库)为单位的现状不变。是否以县为单位成立 Loudi Prefecture Administrative Office, cities, prefectures and counties people’s government, provincial authorities All units: In order to conscientiously implement the “State Council on Printing and Distributing the current views on promoting the reform of the grain circulation system” (Guo Fa [1998] No. 35), firmly not To relocate the reform of the grain circulation system, we hereby notify the relevant issues as follows: I. Establishing a new mechanism for independent operation and self-financing of State-owned grain storage and storage enterprises (I) The state-owned grain storage and storage enterprises in the province should truly separate government from enterprises , Completely decoupled from the grain bureau at all levels in terms of people’s property, etc., and truly become an economic entity that makes independent accounting, self-management and self-financing. To fully respect and protect the operating autonomy of state-owned grain enterprises, no unit or individual may interfere in the normal operation of the enterprise. The operating system of State-owned grain storage and storage enterprises will, in principle, maintain the status quo in the township (town) grain station (storehouse) within the current food year (before the end of March 1999). Whether the county as a unit set up
据国家计委价格司预测,今年后几个月,国内市场粮价升幅不会很大,更不会出现全国性粮价暴涨。 8月下旬以来,受洪灾及粮食顺价销售的影响,北方地区大米价格出现上涨过快过猛的
各市人民政府、行署,各县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 今年我省小麦长势良好,如果今后一段时间没有大的自然灾害,将再次获得较好收成。由于粮食库存增加,调销不
春天了,单位组织去大理旅游。平日里,需要拍照时我都拿着诺基亚手机凑合,可这次,听说旅游的线路上不仅有岩洞,还有名山和云海,手机可拍不出理想 Spring, the unit to organi