
来源 :武汉大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wow32167
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以早稻广陆矮(Oryza sativa L.)四号为材料,分析了水稻干种子在0、20、40、60KR(千伦)~(60)Co-γ射线的辐照下,幼苗的酯酶和过氧化物酶同工酶的变化,并观察其在盆栽条件下的生物学性状的差异。结果表明,随着辐射剂量的加大,酯酶和过氧化物酶的酶谱条带数呈现出规律性的变化,其生物学性状亦有着相应的表现。生育期随剂量增高而推迟;株高、实粒数、千粒重及每株平均产量均与辐照剂量成负相关,空壳率则正好相反。通过同工酶的变化与外部性状表现关系的分析,可能对加强辐射育种选择的预见性有所帮助。 Taking the Oryza sativa L. No.4 as material, the effects of 0, 20, 40, 60KR (a thousand) ~ (60) Co-γ rays on the esterase And peroxidase isoenzyme changes, and observe the differences in the biological characteristics under potting conditions. The results showed that with the increase of radiation dose, the enzyme bands of esterase and peroxidase showed regular changes, and their biological characteristics also showed corresponding performance. The growth period was postponed with dose increasing. The plant height, grain number, 1000-grain weight and average yield of each plant were negatively correlated with the irradiation dose, while the shell percentage was the opposite. An analysis of the relationship between changes in isoenzyme and external traits may be helpful in predicting the choice of radiation breeding.
We present a simple method that can be used to directly measure the squeezing of the quantum motional states of a trapped ion.Through the use of the interaction
1 病例报告 女, 49岁. 因左踝疼痛并跛行5+ mo,经服中药、针炙及理疗等保守治疗无效,于1998-04入院. 于入院前5 mo,无任何诱因罹患左踝疼痛,劳累后加重并伴有跛行,二便自控
We propose and demonstrate a new concept of stable narrow-line-width and close wavelength spacing dual-wavelength lasing in an Er-doped fibre ring laser (EDFRL)
上饶县教育局积极响应县委在全县农村开展“大联系、大台账、大帮带”主题实践活动的决定,深入贯彻落实党的十七届四中全会精神,切实加强党员干部党性修养和作风建设,密切党群干群关系,有计划、有步骤地全面开展“大帮带”活动。  为了真正了解帮扶群众的情况,制定切实可行的帮扶计划,县教育局领导班子成员分别下到帮扶贫困户所在地,走村串户,走进家庭。他们与困难群众深入交谈,掌握困难群众的家庭情况、生活状况以及遇到
We design and build a cw high quality and high power Nd:YVO4 laser of single frequency operation with a laser-diode dual-end-pumped geometry. The influence of t
A new general formula, for energy normalization of radial wave-functions of free electron and of quasi-free electron in confined atom, is derived in central fie