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随着时代的转变和价值观的更新,以往史学界对义和团研究的一些观点也有重审的必要。比如,从甲午战败的大背景和教士、教民的欺压来说明运动的起因就可商榷。当时,直鲁民众尚无现代国家观念,他们对民族危机缺乏敏感,至于受教会的欺压而致反抗的推论也显牵强。考诸史实,可见乡民对传教士印象尚可,对教民的仇视虽然普遍存在,但民教之争往往是乡村社会里资源、利益分配上的纠葛,所以也可跳出中外矛盾的传统思维重新审视。总之,民教矛盾的积累是远因;别有用心的地方官的引导是诱因;自然灾害造成的困境激发了民众的求生欲,走投无路的人们要生存、要发泄,是直接原因。当各种因素合力作用于鲁西北的时候,义和团运动就不可避免了。 With the change of the times and the renewal of values, some views of the history of the Boxers in the history have also been reviewed. For example, from the background of the Sino-Japanese defeat and the oppression of priests and Christians to illustrate the causes of the movement, it is open to question. At that time, there was no modern state concept among the people in Zhili and they were not sensitive to the national crisis. The corollary of being oppressed by the oppression of the church was also far-fetched. Examining historical facts, we can see that villagers still have the same impression of preachers. Although hatred of Christians is widespread, the dispute between them is often a dispute over the distribution of resources and benefits in the rural community. Therefore, traditional thinking that can jump out of the contradictions between China and the rest of the world can be renewed Review. In short, the accumulation of contradictions among the ethnic groups is far-reaching; the guidance of local officials with ulterior motives is the inducement; the predicament caused by natural disasters inspires the people’s desire for survival, and the desperate people want to survive and vent their cause is the direct cause. When all sorts of factors worked together in northwestern Shandong, the Boxer movement was inevitable.
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