一间宅·接龙 连志明 王珂

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工作上的搭档也是生活的伴侣,同毕业于法国巴黎ESAG Penninghen高等室内建筑及广告设计艺术学院,于2005年创办意地筑作室内建筑设计事务所(IDEE architectureinterior design firm)及大然设计品牌(DaRan Design brand).产品涉及家具、灯具、生活器皿等领域,在设计上致力于把东方的文化,东方人的生活观念与西方的经验结合起来,着意研究自己的民族文化遗产推崇“人性化自然”的设计理念,创作随性自然,喜欢从自然生物界的形态中探寻设计灵感,我们在“一间宅”里面阐述或表达自己的思想,我们没有狭义或单纯地去想该怎么规划这里面的空间,想的更多的还是跳出这个小空间,是我们人类生存的大空间。我们总是会有一种危机感,现在处在一种工业文明下的生活方式,所有都是围绕着人展开的,人把自身的存在看作是主要的主题,所有的生命都是附加的,要么是隶属于人,要么是服务于人,因此造成了很多负面的东西,所以不应该再过多地去考虑我们现在居住的这个小的空间。 The working partner is also a partner in life. He graduated from the ESAG Penninghen Institute of Advanced Interior Architecture and Advertising Design in Paris, France. In 2005, he founded the IDEE Architecture Interior Design Firm and the DaRan Design Brand. Design brand). The product involves furniture, lighting, living utensils and other fields. It is designed to combine Eastern culture, oriental life concepts with western experience, and is intended to study its own national cultural heritage. The design concept of “” is natural and creative. I like to explore design inspiration from the forms of the natural living world. We explain or express our thoughts in a “house”. We don’t think narrowly or simply. Planning the space in this space, thinking more or jumping out of this small space is a large space for our human existence. We will always have a sense of crisis. Now we are living in a way of industrial civilization. All of this is centered on people. People see their own existence as the main theme, and all lives are added. Either it is affiliated with people or it is serving people. As a result, it creates a lot of negative things, so we shouldn’t think too much about the small space we live in now.
从哥本哈根气候峰会到中央经济工作会议,“低碳”作为一个新概念正逐步为国人所接受。由此衍生的低碳建筑的概念,也成为了业界讨论关注的 From the Copenhagen Climate Summ
小 炒 肉原料:猪里脊肉400克 鸡蛋1个 辣椒粉、精盐、味精、孜然、湿淀粉、葱花、香菜各适量 色拉油1000克约耗100克制法:1.里脊肉洗净后切成大丁,纳碗,磕入鸡蛋,加入精盐、辣
豉椒鲶鱼原料:鲜活鲶鱼1条(800~1000克) 红油豆豉40克 泡红辣椒25克 鸡蛋清2个 海鲜酱、青红椒粒、洋葱粒、姜米、蒜米、葱花、精盐、胡椒粉、料酒、味精、鸡精、干湿淀粉、鲜
AIM: To review the application of nutrition support in patients after surgery for colorectal cancer, and to propose appropriate nutrition strategies. METHODS: A
目的评价神经内分泌肿瘤(NET)病人多时相对比增强DOPA-PET/CT,特别是CT诊断的临床意义。方法 65例NET病人接受了DOPA-增强PET/CT(cePET/CT)检查。评 Objective To evaluate
我祖母干干瘦瘦,但很有活力,爱说话,而且很有智慧。  她的智慧体现在生活中,就是常举起手指叫我将收音机声音关小,因为“听那么大声,耳朵要聋了”。  早上,若看到窗外的天空白中透红,她还会抬起眉毛,这样预测天气:“早晨天色红,水手别懈松。”  祖母经常参考这部由历代民间智慧构成的“无字百科全书”。1904年,她从英国来到美国时,便将这套包含各式各样“事实”的“书”,连同行李一起带过来。  在纽约,我