
来源 :云南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huihui1989
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1994年8月7日深夜,文山县百货公司民贸大楼浓烟滚滚火光冲天.凌晨3时许,文山州消防支队直属一中队接到民贸大楼起火的报警,迅速出动2辆水罐车和1辆供水车、15名官兵,仅用3分钟就赶到火场,起火大楼2楼自选商场的服装、针织品等物资正猛烈燃烧,熊熊烈火卷着浓烟左冲右窜,大楼正面(南面)大火已冲出二楼窗口向上蔓延,火场面积达900多平方米.中队指挥员杨运玉立即命令出一支水枪压住正面外窜的火势,东面使用2辆消防车供水,各出一支水枪从楼梯间向上压住蔓延的火势,战士普云利、于明昌等手握水枪,冲锋在前.3时42分,州消防支队机关全体官兵和一中队留守人员共23人又赶到火场,并调集了2辆泡沫车、一辆高喷车以及电力公司的一辆登高平台车到达火场,此时火势仍随时都有上下、左右蔓延的可能.火场总指挥马顺林支队长迅速下达了“堵截包围,把火势控制在二楼”的命令.包围战斗在四面展开;在大楼北面,火势已蔓延到电 Midnight on August 7, 1994, Wenshan County Department Store Civil Trade Building smoke billowing fire .At 3 o’clock in the morning, Wenshan Prefecture Fire Brigade directly under the squadron received a fire alarm at the Trade Building, quickly dispatched two water tankers and 1 Vehicles, 15 officers and soldiers, rushed to the scene in just 3 minutes, the building on the 2nd floor of the fire building optional shopping malls clothing, knitwear and other materials are fierce burning, raging fire rolling smoke left channel right channeling, the building facade (south) Fire has been out of the second floor of the window spread upward, the fire area of ​​900 square meters squadron commander Yang Yuanyu immediately ordered a water gun to suppress the front of the channeling fire, east of the use of two fire engines for water, each out of a water gun From the staircase up and down the spread of the fire, the soldiers Puyun Lee, Ming-chang and other hand-held water cannons, assault in front of .3 42, the state fire brigade authorities and all officers and men remained a squadron of 23 people rushed to the scene, And mobilized a fleet of 2 foam cars, a high-jet car and a climbing vehicle of the electric power company arrived at the scene of the fire, at which time the fire may still have the possibility of spreading from side to side.The commander of the fire commander Ma Shunlin quickly issued a “ Surrounded, the fire control . Surrounded on all sides in the battle unfold on the second floor, ”the command; in the north of the building, the fire has spread to electricity