“America was no America”An Analysis of Defamiliarization of Focalization in Typical American

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  摘要:Since America is regarded as a booming and free country filling with fantasies,a large quantity of immigrants with American dream crowd in America.Although anyone has the possibilities of realizing dream and achieving success theoretically,in reality,this is not the case.The same truth is also reflected in the novel of Typical American.Through the main chanters’ unique focalizations to find out what “America” is really like.
  关键词:Defamiliarization;Focalization;Typical American
  Typical American was Gish Jen’s first novel and it was named “Notable Book of the Year” by The New York Times and was among the finalists for the 1991 National Book Critics Circle Award.Typical American is a novel about Chinese immigrants and their experience of adjustment to America.As for the title,according to Gish Jen(MELUS interview,1993:115),it is an irony.“‘Typical American’ is a phrase that the Changs use to describe people who are not them,and yet by the end of the book,of course,they become ‘typical Americans’ themselves.Gish Jen wanted to challenge ideas of what a ‘typical American’ looks like,to put forward the idea that the Changs are not any less American than anyone else.” Just as she said that “I hope that Typical American is not only regarded as immigrant story but also as an American story.”(Jiang Daochao,2002:89)
  In this part,I will firstly give a brief introduction about the literary terms of defamiliarization and focalization.Then,I pick up some examples from the novel to illustrate how the employment of defamiliarization of focalization highlights the theme of fiction.
  2.1 Defamiliarization and Focalization
  2.1.1 Defamiliarization
  The concept of defamiliarization was raised by Shklovsky.The primary aim of literature in thus foregrounding its linguistic medium,as Victor Shklovsky put it in an influential formulation,is to estrange or defamiliarize; that is,by disrupting the modes of ordinary linguistic discourse,literature “makes strange” the world of everyday perception and renews the reader’s lost capacity for fresh sensation.Defamiliarization,Shklovsky argues,is accordingly the basic principle of artistic “form” and it is used in literary works not only in literary devices but also in narrative techniques like focalization.The employment of a unique focalization will cast a strange and new light on familiar things.(Zhu,2002:9)   2.1.2 Focalization
  The concept of focalization was raised by French narrative theorist,Gerard Genette,in his Narrative Discourse(1972,1980)and after that it was widely acknowledged and used by narrative theorists.
  Shen Dan(2004,3:60)classifies the focalization into four categories:unlimited focalization(the omniscient narration);internal focalization;first person external focalization;third person external focalization.The internal focalization includes the fixed limited focalization which refers to a specific figure’s focalization in fiction.In the novel,I will focus on the defamiliarization of fixed limited focalizations,here mainly including focalizations of Ralph,Helen and Theresa,because a unique focalization will cast a strange and new light on familiar things especial for fixed limited focalizations.
  2.2 Defamiliarization of Fixed Limited Focalizations
  This novel was written in third person.Here,focalizations of Ralph,Helen and Theresa are called third person fixed limited focalizations.I will discuss their unique focalizations one by one to find out what “America” is really like.
  2.2.1 Ralph’s Focalization
  In the first chapter section one,through Ralph’s focalization,the modernization of New York is clear in our mind.It is the prosperity of America that attracts many people with great “American dream” coming there.Like Ralph,he came to America with the dream of getting a doctor’s degree to win honor for his family.At the same time,in such a developed American society,we can imagine that one measure of success is money,which is proved right later.In the first chapter section three,when Ralph fell in love with Cammie and wanted to please her,an old man gave him suggestions that money is everything for Americans.In the same way,later when Ralph was planning to run a fried chicken restaurant to make the big money,he told her children that money was the most important thing in America; you can do anything with money but without money you are nothing.However,at the end of the novel,after Ralph failed to make a fortune,he realized that “A man was the sum of his limits; freedom only made him see how much so.America was no America.”(296)
  Another example is in the fourth chapter section one.While Ralph was driving on the way home and complimenting the grandeur of America,he found that several ragged and poor men run to the streets and one of them lying on the floor before a door.He was wandering why those people living in such a great America which can launch a Satellite into the space were like that.Here,“America is not America” as Ralph imagined.
摘要:近年来,使用外来语的日本人越来越多,特别是日本年轻人,以是否能讲外来语作为衡量时髦与否的标准之一,所以外来语的使用频率和数量急剧增加,体现在美容,计算机,金融等先端领域。对于外来语的使用,日本人已经由单纯的借用,逐步转化到创造出具有日语特色的外来语词汇和句法,也就是和制英语(和製英語 わせいえいご)。这也是继和制汉语(和製漢語 わせいかんご)之后日本人的又一创造性借用。而越来越多外来语的使用
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摘要:日语中的アクセント和汉语中的声调是两个有联系又有区别的概念,本文通过对二者功能及特征的分析得出结论,日语的アクセント是音节间的音高变化,主要承担区分词与词界限的功能;汉语的声调是音节内的音高变化,主要承担辨义功能。另外对母语负迁移作用造成日本人学习汉语时在调型调域方面遇到的问题以及中国人学习日语时在音高方面遇到的问题进行了分析。  关键词:アクセント;声调  中图分类号:H36文献标识码:A
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