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  Friends teach us some of life’s most important lessons. They teach us about love. They search with us for life’s meaning. They think out loud with us and give us their approval and judgment. They help us to have faith. By their example. They teach us about truth and honesty. About living. About confidence and favors. They sense when we’re lonely and need acceptance.
  Friends make us feel at home. We know where we stand with them and where they stand with us. They let us be ourselves and love us even when we are not the most lovable.
  Friends don’t abandon us when the going gets tough. They are there with us wherever we are, whenever we need them. They have time for us. Theydon’t forget us, and we don’t forget them. They give us the opportunity to find out more about ourselves, so we’ll know what to try to change and what to accept. Friends validate us.
  Friends are not afraid to take a chance on us, to defend us, to take a stand for us. They are not embarrassed to tell us how much our friendship means to them; they do not care how silly they may sound when they share these feelings with us.
  Friends are like special gifts to us that we never discard or outgrow. No one can ever take their place. They are always welcome in the rooms of our heart. Theirs are the memories that never fade.
  Friends are special ... so very, very special. Thank you for being a special friend to me.
  ——Donna Fargo
强调句型的基本形式是“It is / was + 被强调部分 + that / who ...”,常用来强调句子的主语、宾语和状语。当被强调的是指人的名词或代词时,也可用who引导后面的句子;强调状语时,无论是时间、地点,还是原因状语,连接词一律用that。仔细研究近几年高考题中出现的强调句型,可以看出高考在此点上的考查有以下几个特点:    一、 强调句型结构趋于复杂化,理解难度增大。(划线部分
A great life doesn’t happen by accident. A great life is the result of using the 24/7 you get in a creative and thoughtful way.  美丽人生不是从天而降。实现美丽人生,你要理性而有创意地用好一周七天每天24小时的时间。    A great life doesn’t hap
In the dining room of my grandfather’s house stood a massive grandfather clock. Meals in that dining room were a time for four generations to become one. The table was always spread with food from won
2006年高考英语全国卷Ⅰ的单项填空题在考查考生对英语语法词汇知识和较简单表达方式的掌握情况时,通过设置情景,将知识的考查与语言意义的考查有机地结合起来了,体现了新的理念,对今后的英语教学具有很好的导向作用下面结合考题来总结归纳其命题特色:    一 知识覆盖面广  15个小题涉及了交际用语(2534)动词的时态语态(2129)情态动词(24)非谓语动词(32)动词词义辨析(2227)冠词(30)
在高考中,动词历来是考查的重点,其中对动词短语的考查占有很大的比重,这类题目主要考查动词短语(词组)的含义辨析以及在特定语境中的灵活运用。通过深入研究历年来的高考试题,笔者发现以副词“out”构成的动词短语非常受“青睐”,本文通过列举历届高考题中对“out”短语的考查,透析“out”短语的用法,以期对广大考生和英语教师有所帮助和启发。    一、 单项选择题中对“out”短语的考查  1. —It
先看2006年高考试题全国卷第26题:  If I can help_________, I don’t like working late into the night.  A. soB. thatC. itD. them  解析: 题中的it可理解为指代working late into night这件事;if one can help it 意为“如果可能,如果办得到”本句的意思为“要是办得
在2006年高考英语安徽卷中出现了这样一道题:  It’s quite________me why such things have been allowed to happen. (2006安徽)为什么让这样的事发生,我百思不得其解  A. for B. behind  C. against D. beyond  beyond 作为介词,意思是“难以理解或无法想像”  若考生没有掌握beyond
(单纯语法考查不在此列)    A  about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 (2007年宁夏卷)  accept vt. 接受 (2007年山东卷 acceptable)  accident n. 事故,意外的事(2007上海卷accidentally)  achieve vt. 达到,取得 (2007年天津卷)  across prep. 横过,穿过(2005湖南卷
Not having a best friend in high school can be tough. But there are ways to be happy, and even build quality connections to others during those years.  Steps:  1. Acknowledge that not having a best fr
一重点句型  二  1. as引导的让步状语从句  【教材例句】 Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.  【高考链接】  _______, he talks a lot about his favourite singer after class