Cross-culture and Business English

来源 :科学时代·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hakbin
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  [摘要] 交際英语日益重要,本文讨论交叉文化背景下英语的使用,中西文化交流的几点不同习惯。
  [关键词] 交叉文化 交际英语 区别
  1. Introduction
  In recent years, with the accelerated paces of reforming and opening, the foreign contacts are more and more extensive and diverse, especially the improved social informationization and the internet makes more people stay indoors and involve cross-cultural communication. Owing to the time’s changes and demands, which need us to demonstrate strong interest in it, studying the trouble problem in the cross-cultural communication, really have a great actual meaning to our Chinese. In this paper, the writer is trying to discuss general culture difference between Chinese and westerners, and the awareness cultures, the factors that inflecting cross-culture communication in business English and so on.
  2. General cultural differences between Chinese and westerners
  Ways of expression on interpersonal occasions.
  When people meet acquaintances or friends, people usually greet each other. The purpose of greeting is to establish or maintain social contact. So formulaic expressions are often used, but such formulaic expressions often causes conflict because of the great cultural differences between Chinese and native English speakers. In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon.” “Fine day, isn’t it? ” “How is everything going?” “Have you eaten yet?” “What are you going to do?” etc. Westerners treat them as real question. While in Chinese, we always say ni chi le me (你吃了吗?)ni shang na li qu(你上哪里去?)ni gan shen me qu(你干什么去?) to show our consideration. Parting may be divided into two steps. Before the final prating, there is usual a leave-taking. Western and Chinese cultures have diverse ways to deal with leave- takings. Firstly, in English society, during the closing phase of an encounter, from “I” perspectives, reasons for terminating the encounter are presented in motivator comments. Typical comments are associated with expressions of apology, such as “I am afraid I must be off”, “I have to relieve the baby-sitter” etc.
  Western people believe that to be willing to visit and converse with someone is to have respect for him. To terminate the visiting is not of one’s own free will, but because of some other arrangements, therefore they always try to make their leaving sound reluctant by finding some reasons and apologize for it to make the leaving acceptable for both parties. English speakers often signal several times before leaving by “Well, it’s been nice to see you again. I do enjoy our talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going soon” or “Thank you very much for your invitation. I hope we’ll be able to get together again soon…” Consolidation in a wider range of common acquaintances also occurs, in expressions such as “Say hello to Jack for me” or “Remember me to John”. In Chinese society, during the closing phase of and encounter, usually, from a “you” perspective, reasons for ending the encounter are set forth in mitigatory expressions. Such expressions include“you are so busy that I won’t trouble any more.”, and “you may tired,please have a rest,I am leaving now”, etc. With these words, they may stand up from their seats. Chinese leave-taking is very short and quick. Western people think it so abrupt that they have not prepared for it. While moving to the door, Chinese employ expressions of apology like“I’m sorry for trouble so much”“I’m sorry for taking you so much time”.It should be noted that these expressions employed by Chinese guests to show concern for their hosts can only be appropriated for business visits in the English environment
[摘要] 在现在社会高速发展的大环境下,电子信息产业同其他产业一样都得到了极大的发展空间,电路已经高度集成化,是将模拟电路和数字电路的集成,越来越需要更多从事电子信息产业的高等技能应用型人才,能够充分胜任产品的设计,生产,维修和销售工作。很明显,本科院校的学生已经渐渐不能满足这种需求,无论是从人数还是从动手能力方面,都是不能满足的。  [关键词] 电子信息产业 高等技能应用型人才 高等职业教育  
[摘要] 中职美术教学必须要实现手脑并用、观察为主的教学基本训练模式,力求通过中职美术素描训练,形成学生的独立创造的能力。本文从艺术创造的角度对中职美术素描教学的训练实效问题进行了分析,并提出了教学建议。  [关键词] 中职美术 素描教学 训练    基础素描教学,尽管还是静坐在画室里面对着静物进行写生,但是在学习过程中人的观念,人的生活体验,社会现象,艺术观念都有了很大的变化。本文从艺术创造的角
[摘要] 本文通过对快乐体育内涵、特征、实施途径及对学校教育改革中的意义等论述,揭示了快乐体育在学校体育教育中所起到积极的推动作用,并为今后实现学校体育工作总目标、面向素质教育改革、为社会培养合格的复合型建设人才提供新的认识视角。  [关键词]快乐体育 体育教学 途径 意义    在学校体育教育改革实践中,“快乐体育”一词正在日益引起人们的重视。作为一种理论或教育思想,快乐体育的基本核心是,如何通
[摘要] 高职商务英语专业经过了起步和快速发展以后,逐渐趋于平稳,各种问题也随之而来,但教学内容上存在的问题,严重制约着专业未来的发展。本文针对高职商务英语教学内容上存在的问题进行了分析,并给出了相应的对策。  [关键词] 高职商务英语 教学内容 问题与对策    高职商务英语专业经过了起步和快速发展以后,逐漸趋于平稳,各种问题也随之而来,但教学内容上存在的问题,严重制约着专业未来的发展。教学内容
[摘要] 21世纪是以知识的创新和应用为主要特征的知识经济时代,同时也是以网络为依托、以信息能力为中心的信息时代。网络资源无疑成为了新世纪的高等院校培养“高素质创新型人才”这一主题中的新成员,新精神与实践能力成为影响整个民族生存的基本因素,自主学习和终身学习将是时代发展的必然趋势。  [关键词] 自主学习 网络 能力培养  [Abstract] 21st century is a new era
[摘要] 一年级精读课在学生整个英语专业学习中有着重要的地位, 而大学新生的精读课教学还存在以教师为中心, 侧重于对教材的语言分析, 教学内容与现实生活联系不紧密,忽视语言的输出的问题。这就需要激发学生学习语言的自主性, 鼓励学生主动参与课堂活动, 提高对精读课的学习兴趣, 从而提高学习效率。  [关键词] 一年级精读课 自主学习 教师 学生 兴趣 效率     精读课是高校英语专业的主干课程之一
[摘要] 本文力求与实际教学紧密结合,注重应用研究,详细阐述了案例、案例教学法的概念、案例教学法产生的作用、媒体案例的特点以及基本操作程序。  [关键词] 媒体 案例 教学法 步骤    一、前言  九年义务教育新课程标准于2001年7月出台以后,基础教育在教育目标方面有了很大转变,使师范院校学生的培养目标也有了一些调整,不仅要注重学生对专业理论、专业知识的掌握,更多的是注重学生对所学知识的运用
[摘要] 针对青春期叛逆心理,家长和老师该如何应对。  [关键词] 叛逆心理 耐心 冷静 理智    青春期學生的心理特点是:独立意识强,表现欲望高,喜欢标新立异,遇事总想发表独到的见解,做出异乎寻常的举动,以期引起别人的注意,显示其独立的个性,好奇心强。然而强烈的逆反性、对抗性对学生的心理发育、日常学习和生活都是有害的,任其发展下去,将有可能造成学生的心理缺陷,严重的甚至会影响将来的生活、学习或
[摘要] 舞蹈作为教育的一种手段,在青少年阶段起着非常重要作用,培养学生的创造能力,培养学生的心理素质,培养学生自信心、勇气和胆量等。舞蹈教育功能是使青少年在接受舞蹈艺术美的熏陶中逐渐具备较好的人体美的基本素质,陶冶高尚情操在素质教育中舞蹈艺术对促进学生全面发展具有不可替代的作用。  [关键词] 幼师 舞蹈教学 素质 教育作用    舞蹈教育属艺术教育、情感教育,也是美育的一个重要组成部分。舞蹈教
[摘要] 研究学习迁移能力在模具数控加工教学中的应用,初步探讨了在模具数控中培养、应用和开发学生的学习迁移能力的方法,帮助学习建立良好的知识体系,促进学生全面发展。  [关键词] 模具数控加工教学 学习迁移 认知结构 互相促进    1.引言  模具数控加工,是指在数控机床上进行模具零件加工的一种工艺方法,数控机床加工与传统加工过程。用数字信息控制零件和刀具位移的机械加工方法。它是解决零件品种多变