
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:onlyEmpty
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48.是否继续实行外贸的承包经营责任制? 在1988年全面实行的外贸承包经营责任制基础上,新的外贸体制仍保留了原承包经营责任制的主要内容,即承包出口总额、出口收汇和上缴中央外汇额度的三项指标。国家根据“八五”计划对外贸发展提出的要求,以及外贸出口的实际状况,核定各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市人民政府和各外贸、工贸专业进出口总公司及其它外贸企业等向国家承包的出口总额、出口收汇和上缴中央外汇额度任务。国家下达的各项承包指标均要保证完成,承包单位有责任将出口商品供货任务分解落实到生产部门、企业及其它供货单位,并督促其完成。 48. Whether to continue to implement the contract responsibility system for foreign trade? Based on the responsibility system for foreign trade contracted operations that was fully implemented in 1988, the new foreign trade system still retains the main content of the original contract responsibility system, namely, the total contracted export volume and foreign exchange collections. And handed over the three indicators of central foreign exchange quotas. According to the requirements of the Eighth Five-Year Plan for foreign trade development and the actual state of foreign trade exports, the State has verified the provincial government, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate planning, and foreign trade, industry and trade specialized import and export companies and other foreign trade companies. The total amount of export contracted by the country, foreign exchange collection, and payment of central foreign exchange quotas. All contracting indicators issued by the state must be guaranteed to be completed. The contracting unit has the responsibility of decomposing the export goods supply task into production departments, enterprises, and other suppliers, and supervising them to complete.
经济学家蒋一苇在《亚大经济时报》发表文章说: 据调查,目前国营企业具有较强活力者只占国营企业10%,一般的占70%,日子非常不好过的占20%。原因是增强企业活力的问题还远没有解
我是上了大学才知道有夜宵这码事的。如果一个人,去食堂比较安全,煮一袋香辣方便面,连汤带面地吃掉,肠胃被熨烫得热乎乎的,临睡也觉得心满意足。 夜晚的食堂总是空荡荡的,仅有临门几张餐桌上空亮着灯,我喜欢把饭缸端去远处的角落,在幽暗的光线中,一边安静地吃面,一边尽情地胡思乱想。  如果有几个相熟的同学一起,就可以去学校后街,一碗麻辣烫、一张鸡蛋饼、几串豆腐皮、半个鸡架、一罐啤酒,片刻工夫就能全塞进肚里。
As the living standards and taste have been improved significantly nowadays, garment not only means a clothes keeping you warm and guarding against the cold wea
各位领导,全体理事同志们: 广东省商业经济学会第三届理事会议开了两天,产生了新的一届常务理事会,标志着我们这个学会进入了一个历史发展新阶段。在会议即将完满结束的时候