改革焕生机 科技显威力

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蔬菜是人们日常生活的必需品,是“菜篮子工程”的核心部分。广州是大城市,现常年供应的吃菜人口达400万以上(包括流动人口);按人均每天消费0.4公斤菜计算,每日上市的蔬菜需160万公斤。“一棵菜”牵动千家万户,生产者关注,消费者关注。对此,广州市委、市政府历来高度重视蔬菜产销工作,把搞好蔬菜供应作为稳定人心、 Vegetables are essential to people’s daily lives and are the core of the “vegetable basket project.” Guangzhou is a big city, and the number of people eating vegetables is now over 4 million (including floating population). According to the per capita consumption of 0.4 kg of vegetables, 1.6 million kg of vegetables are listed every day. “A dish” affects thousands of households, producers are concerned, and consumers are concerned. In response, the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have always attached great importance to the production and marketing of vegetables, and have made the supply of vegetables a stable one.
膨胀对经济学家来说是一回事,而对宇宙学家来说又是一回事。在用于描述宇宙时,膨胀是指近140亿年前宇宙的微源扩胀。 Inflation is one thing for economists, and it is on
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Once upon a time,there was a little boy who was raised in an orphanage.从前,有个小男孩,在孤儿院被人抚养成长着。The little boy had always wished that he could fl
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