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县级档案行政管理机关的业务监督同上级档案行政管理机关的业务监督比较,具有以下特点。 1.直接性较强,需要多采用具体的监督方式。 县档案局所监督的对象是全国基层单位的档案工作,这就决定了其业务监督的直接性较强。所谓直接性较强是指直接监督在全部监督中所占的比例较大。 直接性较强的业务监督特点,需要县档案局多采用针对性较强、实用性较强、以解决实际问题为主的具体的监督方式,对县级监督网络的组织和工作程序、建立健全制度的种类和内容、检查的方式和方法、应同有关部门协调处理的问题等都提出具体意见,并深入实际组织全县各单位进行实施。 2.档案工作水平较低,保存的档案价值较低,需要执行相应水平的监督标准。大多数县级单位档案基础工作、档案保护条件同省直、市直机关及其所属单位相比都是低水平的,因此,县级档案行政管理机关应制定和推行较低水平的监督标准。 县内各单位,特别是基层单位的档案,其价值和机密程度都是比较低的。这些档案的保护条件没有必要同高层次单位档案保护条件相一致,就如普通钢材不需同贵重金属保存条件相同一样。 The comparison of the business supervision of the county-level archives administrative organs with the business supervision of the archival administrative departments at higher levels has the following features. 1. The more direct, the need to use more specific monitoring methods. The object that the county archives bureau supervises is the archives work of the grass-roots units in the country, which determines that the directness of its business supervision is strong. The so-called strong directness means that direct supervision accounts for a large proportion of all oversight. The more direct business supervision features, the county archives need to use more targeted, practical, to solve the practical problems of the specific supervision methods, the county-level monitoring network organization and working procedures, establish and improve The types and contents of the system, the methods and methods of inspection should be put forward specific opinions on the issues that should be handled in coordination with relevant departments, and the actual organization of all units in the county should be implemented. 2 archives work level is lower, save the file value is lower, the need to implement the appropriate level of supervision standards. Most county-level unit archives basic work, file protection conditions with provincial direct, municipal authorities and their subordinate units are low level, therefore, county-level archives administrative authority should establish and implement a lower level of supervision standards. The files of various units in the county, especially grassroots units, are relatively low in value and confidentiality. The protection of these files does not need to be consistent with the protection of high-level units, just as ordinary steel does not need to be kept in the same condition as precious metals.
阐述了在档案史料编纂工作中运用系统方法进行选题的必要性和科学性,并针对个别选题指出了系统选题的优越性。 Expounds the necessity and the scientificity of using the
指出了农业科技档案信息在科技兴农中的作用,阐明了开发农村农业科技档案信息资源的环境特点、途径和方法。 Points out the role of agricultural science and technology