
来源 :初中生学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lyben
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一个小男孩请他的母亲去学校参加他上小学以来第一次家长会。令小男孩感到惊慌的是,她说她会去。这将是他的同学和老师第一次见到他的母亲,不过她母亲的相貌令他感到局促不安。虽然,她是一个美丽的女人,但是,一道非常难看的疤痕几乎贯穿了她的整个右半边脸。小男孩从来不愿意谈 A little boy asked his mother to go to school to attend the first parent meeting since he was in elementary school. What scared the boy was that she said she would go. This will be the first time his classmates and teachers have seen his mother, but the appearance of her mother makes him feel uneasy. Although, she is a beautiful woman, but a very unsightly scar almost runs through her entire right half face. The boy never wants to talk
【正】 The National Development and Reform Commission published the"Eleventh Five-year Program for the Development of Re-newable Energies"on March 18th.China ha
On April 10th,Honeywell (HON:NYSE) announced the first anniversary of its R-410A Certified Vendor Program (CVP),which aims to certify Chinese equipment manufac
飓风、海啸给人类带来的灾难十分巨大。2005 年 8 月 29 日凌晨,“卡特里娜”飓风登陆美国东南部, 港口城市新奥尔良几乎完全被淹没, 有人把这次风暴称为“9·11 的自然灾害
On April 2nd,China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed an agreement with Chevron for formally launching the development of acid gas in northeast Sichu
【正】 The Linde Group has officially launched the development of its latest gases pro-duction and supply infrastructure in yetanother industrial hub in Jiangsu
Borouge has initiated the feasibility study for Borouge 3:a further expansion of its polyolefin operations in Abu Dhabi to add approximately 2.5 million tons p
【正】 Sinopec’s 300000 t/a sulfur recovery unitthat came on stream in Tianjin this March 2008 has passed the appraisal recently andruns well.This unit is buil