Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Ultra-fine Grained AZ91Magnesium Alloy Tubes Processed

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TTjj09
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Ultra-fine grained(UFG) cylindrical tubes were produced via recently developed tubular channel angular pressing(TCAP) process through different passes from as-cast AZ91 magnesium alloy.The microstructure and mechanical properties of processed tube through one to four passes of TCAP process at 200 ℃ were investigated.Microhardness of the processed tube was increased to 98.5 HV after one pass from an initial value of 67 HV.An increase in the number of passes from one to higher number of passes has no more effect on the microhardness.Yield and ultimate strengths were increased by 4.3 and 1.4 times compared to those in as-cast condition.Notable increase in the strength was achieved after one pass of TCAP while higher number of passes has no more effect.Microstructural investigation shows notable decrease in the grain size to around 500 nm from the primary value of ~ 150 μm.Dissolution and distribution of hard Mg_(17)Al_(12) phase in the grain boundaries of dynamically recrystallized UFG AZ91 with a mean grain size of ~500 nm was an interesting issue of TCAP processing at 200 ℃ compared to other severe plastic deformation processes. Ultra-fine grained (UFG) cylindrical tubes were produced via recently developed tubular channel angular pressing (TCAP) process through different passes from as-cast AZ91 magnesium alloy. The microstructure and mechanical properties of processed tubes through one to four passes of TCAP process at 200 ° C were investigated. Microhardness of the processed tube was increased to 98.5 HV after one pass from an initial value of 67 HV. Increase in the number of passes from one to higher number of passes has no more effect on the microhardness. Yield and ultimate strengths were increased by 4.3 and 1.4 times compared to those in as-cast condition. Not increase in the strength was achieved after one pass of TCAP while higher number of passes has no more effect. Microstructural investigation shows notable decrease in the grain size to around 500 nm from the primary value of ~ 150 μm. Dissolution and distribution of hard Mg_ (17) Al_ (12) phase in the grain boundaries of dynamically recrystallized UFG AZ91 with a mean grain size of ~ 500 nm was an interesting issue of TCAP processing at 200 ° C compared to other severe plastic deformation processes.
舞蹈,简言之即:“手之、足之、舞之、到之”,是通过肢体语言,反映人的思想、情感以及社会生活,表现人类情感的一种艺术形式,又被称为“流动的雕塑”。幼儿舞蹈教育的目标是培养孩子对美的感受力、表现力和初步的鉴赏力、创造力,促进幼儿人格和身心健康地全面发展。笔者作为幼儿园专职舞蹈教师,在教学实践中发现,幼儿舞蹈教学要注意三个问题:  一、常规问题  常规教育对于保证幼儿健康和良好的情绪,使幼儿学会适应集体
著名的教育学家布卢姆曾说过:“人们无法预料教学所产生的成果。没有预料不到的成果,教学就不成为一种艺术了。”是的,人是不可限定的,教育不能限定人,只能引导人全面、自由、积极地成长,因此,给学生一个自由发展的空间是尤为必要的。  学生不是作家笔下被动的小说,不是画家笔下被动的图画,也不是电视电影面前无可奈何的观众,更不是配合教师上课的配角,而是具有主观能动性的人。他们有自己的意识,有自己的思想,有自己
如果说,人生是一座高楼大厦,安全就是这大厦的基础保障。没有安全,生命就受到侵害,生活就不再有幸福。  大家都知道,人类最基本的需求——除了对空气、水和食物的需要外,也就是安全了。报纸、电视、新闻的内容越来越让人感到恐惧,如火灾、矿难、洪水、海啸、地震、车祸、战争、恐怖袭击、暴力等等,我们已经确信自己生活的环境不能100%的安全了。由此可见,安全更是我们一直关注的重点,国家有关部门为此专门立了相关法
教师要善于观察、保护并激发儿童的灵性,去发展它,这才是教育的根本所在。素质教育就提倡培养学生的创新能力,充分开发孩子的“灵性”,积极创造条件,让学生心理放松、心灵放飞、思绪驰骋,使他们在接受教育的过程中得到情感的升华、能力的提高、品德的提升、人格的发展。  一、学习目标不搞一刀切  模式教育总是忽视孩子们的个性差异,对学生制定统一的目标,用同样的教材,做同样的练习,要求同样的步伐,用同样的测试卷。
案例:  刚学习了《合格率》,一道判断题引起了我的注意:一种优质花生的出油率是100%。全班四十五个同学竟有四十二个同学打了勾,判断为正确。更可气的其中还有华华,他家里可是开了油坊的。看到这么简单的题目居然有这么高的错误率,心中不免有点生气。  课堂上,我耐着性子把题目展示出来,让同学们再讨论一下。不一会儿,班里一些数学高手就举起手:“老师,我们认为这句话是对的!”数学高手小明的话立刻引来众多同学