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在分享SOA盛宴之前,为推广市场多做一点,未来的收获也就越大。小文是北京航空航天大学软件学院的研究生,1个多月之前,她在校园网上发现了2008“IBM杯”中国大学生SOA业务流程建模竞赛的启事。抱着试试看的想法,小文和同学组建了名为“兄弟连”的团队准备参赛。 In the sharing of SOA feast before, to promote the market a little more, the greater the future gains. Xiao Wen, a graduate student at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Software School, discovered a 2008 SOA contest on SOA modeling in the Chinese undergraduate campus online more than a month ago. With the idea of ​​trying it out, Xiao Wen and his classmates set up a team called “Brother Link” to prepare for the competition.
一套试卷,特别是高考试 卷能够在变化中引领新潮流,哪怕只有一道题能够在变化中引领新潮流也是值得我们称道、欣赏和研究的。下面就湖北卷和北京卷在这方面的成果谈谈自己的
The statistics showed that in the first fivemonths,processing trade,for the first timein this year,grew by 1.4 per cent to US$39.61 billion,while export value
According to a report from the Ministry ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperation(Moiled, China will import US$1,500 billionworth of equipment, technology andpr
The Chinese government has showed itsdetermination again in its continuous effortsto urge for more measures aimed at in-creasing exports and drawing foreign in
雷达希望宣传由著名设计师Jasper Morrison亲手设计的限量系列,这款系列只有50只,所以它的广告预算也相对较少,且最新限量版雷达表的设计基于精细的金色系列,但通过广告来宣
尊敬的编辑: 收到贵刊寄来的《广告大观》99.7期,惊喜地发现试投您处的《银川市区公益广告》已被采用,作为撰稿人的我及我单位对责刊大力宣传西北边陲地区的广告工作,表示十