
来源 :山东劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niuniu04
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今年以来,胶州市劳动保障部门立足自身实际,不断转变职能,心心系企业,事事为职工,把精心打造服务品牌作为工作的切入点、着力点、闪光点,赢得了社会的广泛好评。劳动用工跟踪服务。该局与市内大、中型企业建立了劳动用工联系直通车,及时了解、准确把握企业劳动用工情况特别是新建企业劳动用工情况,根据企业用工需求,及时组织劳动力资源的培训、指导、输送,确保为企业提供合格劳动力。目前,该局已对全市90余家企业劳动用工实施服务跟踪,并开展了网上配置,先后输送劳动力2300余名。劳动事务代理服务。为使企业从 Since the beginning of this year, Jiaozhou City Department of Labor and Social Security has been changing its functions based on its own reality and has always been focusing on enterprises and everything for its employees. As a starting point for elaborately building service brands, Jiaozhou Municipal Labor and Social Security Department has won wide acclaim from the society. Labor and employment tracking service. The council and large and medium-sized enterprises in the city established a labor force through train, keep abreast of and accurately grasp the situation of labor and employment in enterprises, especially the employment of new enterprises. According to the needs of enterprises and labor, the timely organization of labor resources training, guidance, transportation, Ensure that the company provides qualified workforce. At present, the bureau has implemented service tracking on labor and employment of more than 90 enterprises in the city and carried out online configuration and successively sent over 2,300 labor force. Labor Affairs Agency Services. To make business from
年一期85一1作者 许溶烈86一2徐正忠85一285一286一186一2 秦宝玖高大钊等熊兴邦等哟希泉等振奖勺名5一l何广乾等 林龚洛书85一1张维揪等86一286一386一3符萍劳若85一1徐培娜
【案例】 1997年12月,王某经体检、考核合格,与某单位签订了两年期的劳动合同。合同规定试用期为6个月。1998年1月,王某患急性肺炎住院两个月,共花费医疗费5000余元。出院后
CIMS 总体设计所使用的模型体系和建模方法已不能很好满足分析和设计的需求。面向用户的CIMS总体设计建模方法力图从一个新的视角来解决现有的问题。该建模方法在分析综合现有模型体
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大约四十年前,我长途跋涉来到阿尔卑斯山下的普罗旺期高原,这里一片黄土,光秃秃的, 一棵树也没有。我走了三天,看到一座座废弃的村庄、教堂,没有人居住。我的水喝光了,可四
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。砰砰爆米花@肖鹏@徐开云 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Pop @ po