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北京市文联主席、著名作家管桦同志于今年8月18日永远地离开了我们,为了怀念管桦同志,本期我们特开辟了悼念管桦同志的专栏,刊登了4位同志的怀念文章。管桦,1922年生,河北丰润县人,中国共产党员。1940年参加革命,毕业于华北联合大学文学系。历任冀察热辽军区尖兵剧社文艺队长,文艺工作团副团长,东北鲁迅艺术学院研究员,中央乐团创作员,北京作家协会专业作家,北京作协主席,第五、六、七、八届全国政协委员,北京市第八届党代会党代表。生前任北京市文联主席。作为作家、诗人的管桦,主要作品有:中篇小说《小英雄雨来》《辛俊地》《管桦中短篇小说集》;诗话散文集《生命的呐喊与爱》《管桦神话、童话、传说》;多部长篇小说《将军河》;歌曲词作《听妈妈讲那过去的事情》《快乐的节日》《我们的田野》等。作为画家的管桦,有墨竹画册《苍青集》《苍青馆墨竹画选》《管桦墨竹》;巨幅墨竹《沉雄》被瑞典、丹麦博物馆收藏。管桦先生于2002年8月18日于家乡猝发心脏病去世,享年81岁。 Comrade Guan Hua, chairman of Beijing Literary Federation and famous writer Comrade Guan Hua, left us forever on August 18 this year. In memory of Comrade Guan Hua, we specially opened a column commemorating Comrade Guan Hua during this period and published a memorial article of four comrades. Guan Hua, born in 1922, Fengrun County, Hebei Province, Chinese Communist Party. In 1940 to participate in the revolution, graduated from North China Union University literature department. He served successively as art director of literary and art troupe of Jiuchao Literary and Art Corps, leader of literary and art work group, researcher of Ludong Xun Art Institute, author of Central Orchestra, writer of Beijing Writers Association, president of Beijing Writers Association, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth national CPPCC member, Beijing eighth congressional representative. Before his death, he was chairman of Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles. As a writer and poet Guan Hua, the main works are: Novella “Little Hero Rain”, “Xin Jundi” “Guan Hua short stories”; poetry essays “cry of life and love” “Guan Hua myth, Fairy tales, legends ”; many novel“ General River ”; song lyrics for“ listen to mom about the past things ”“ happy festival ”“ our field ”and so on. As a painter Guan Hua, a bamboo album “Cang Qing Ji” “Cang Qiantang ink bamboo painting election” “tube birch bamboo”; huge ink bamboo “Shen Xiong” was Sweden, the Danish Museum collection. Mr. Guan Hua died of heart attack in his hometown on August 18, 2002, at the age of 81.
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