实施课题带动战略 提升区域教育质量——在开拓创新中前行的青岛市市南区基础教育

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一个城市的基础教育发展水平是其整体文化的一个缩影;从中小学生的素质可以看到一个城市的现代化水平。青岛市市南区教体局的领导在“十五”初期就开始思考:怎样从当地教育发展的实际出发,为快速发展的社会奠定人才基础?怎样挖掘基础教育内涵,用适合儿童个性需要的教育方法来实施素质教育?怎样实施课题带动战略,提升区域教育质量?2001年,市南区基于对社会需求和当地教育优势的客观分析,提出了“基础教育面向现代化的探索性研究”课题,并被中国教育学会立项为“十五”重点课题。同年,市南区被确定为中国教育学会教改实验区。经过5年探索,市南区提出的通过宏观层面的政策保障、中观层面的机制改革与制度创新和微观层面的教育教学改革,基本实现了全面推动基础教育事业发展。促进社会经济繁荣与文化进步的研究目标,并得到中国教育学会领导和专家的高度评价。 The level of basic education in a city is a microcosm of its overall culture; the level of modernization of a city can be seen from the quality of primary and secondary school students. The leader of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Education and Teaching Bureau started to think in the early period of “the Tenth Five-year Plan”: How to lay the foundation of talents for a fast-growing society based on the actual development of local education? How to tap the connotation of basic education, How to carry out the project-led strategy and improve the quality of regional education? In 2001, based on the objective analysis of the social needs and the local education superiority, Shinan District put forward the topic of “exploratory research on the modernization of basic education” And by the Chinese Society of education project for the “Tenth Five-Year” key issues. In the same year, Shinan District was identified as a pilot education reform zone of China Education Association. After five years of exploration, Shinan District has basically promoted the development of basic education through policy support at the macro level, mechanism reform at the medium level, system innovation and education reform at the micro level. Promote social and economic prosperity and cultural progress research goals, and by the Chinese Education Association leaders and experts spoke highly of.
初到澳门 ,你会感受到以残墙矗立的大三巴牌坊为标志的西方宗教的繁荣和以灯红酒绿的葡京大酒店为标志的博彩业的兴盛。这时 ,你自然会想到人们通常概括澳门四百年历史的一个
近年来急性缺血性脑血管病 (ICVD)发病率增高 ,目前尚无早期的实验室检查指标。本文动态检测ICVD病人血浆α颗粒膜蛋白 (GMP - 14 0 ) ,TXB2 ,6 -K -PGF1α的含量 ,探讨其应
而今朋友相聚 ,都不谈文学 ,尤其诗 ,说是怕牙软。其实心里都知道 ,诗岂是可以饭后茶余拿来消食的?男人们好侃政治、经济、市井俚曲、民谣笑话、小道消息和荤段子 ,常常倾倒乐
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案例: 真不知道自己是怎样的人 这是1996年10月的某一天,快放学时,咨询室里来了位男同学。他一进门就坐在沙发上,半天也没说话,两手不停地摆弄着衣角。……我给他倒了一杯水