《中国共产党第二次全国代表大会宣言》1节选Excerpts from The Manifesto of the Second National Congress of the Communist Pa

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  三 中國共产党的任务及其目前的奋斗
  A. 改良工人待遇:(甲)废除包工制;(乙)八小时工作制;(丙)工厂设立工人医院及其他卫生设备;(丁)工厂保险;(戊)保护女工和童工;(己)保护失业工人等;
  B. 废除丁漕等重税,规定全国——城市及乡村——土地税则;
  C. 废除厘金及一切额外税则,规定累进率所得税;
  D. 规定限制田租率的法律;
  E. 废除一切束缚女子的法律,女子在政治上、经济上、社会上、教育上一律享受平等权利;
  F. 改良教育制度,实行教育普及。
  III. The tasks and struggles of the Communist Party of China
  The proletariat’s assistance to the democratic revolution does not mean its surrender to the bourgeoisie, but this is a necessary step to prevent feudalism from prolonging its life and to develop the true strength of the proletariat.
  We proletarians have the interests of our own class. When the democratic revolution is successful, the proletariat is given only some freedom and rights, but it is not yet completely liberated. Moreover, if democracy prevails, the naive bourgeoisie will develop rapidly and will be in a position of confrontation with the proletariat. Therefore, the proletariat would have to oppose the bourgeoisie and implement the second step of struggle for the “proletarian dictatorship united with the poor peasants.” If the proletariat’s organizational and combat capabilities are strong enough, this second step will be able to succeed immediately after the victory of the democratic revolution.   (II)
  The Communist Party of China is the party of the Chinese proletariat. Its goal is to organize the proletariat by means of class struggle to establish the politics of labor and peasant dictatorship, eradicate private ownership and gradually realize a communist society.
  For the benefit of the workers and poor peasants, the Communist Party of China guides the workers to help the democratic revolutionary movement and promotes the workers and poor peasants to establish a democratic united front with the petty bourgeoisie. The goals of the Communist Party of China in this united front for the interests of workers and poor peasants are:
  1. To eliminate civil strife, bring down warlords and build domestic peace;
  2. To overthrow the oppression of international imperialists and achieve complete independence of the Chinese nation;
  3. To unify China Proper (including the Northeastern provinces) into a truly democratic republic;
  4. To make the three territories of Mongolia, Tibet, and Huijiang into democratic autonomous states;
  5. To unify China Proper, Mongolia, Tibet, and Huijiang in a free federal system and establish the Federal Republic of China;
  6. Workers and peasants, both men and women, have unrestricted voting rights at all levels of councils and municipal councils, and they have absolute freedom of speech, publication, assembly, association and strike;
  7. To enact laws concerning workers, farmers and women:
  A. To improve workers’ treatment: (a) abolition of subletting of labor; (b) the eight-hour work system; (c) setting up workers’ hospitals and other healthcare facilities in factories; (d) factory insurance; (e) protection of female and child workers; (f) protection of laid-off workers, etc.;
  B. To abolish heavy taxes such as poll tax and stipulate nationwide—urban and rural—land tax rules;
  C. To abolish the likin and all additional taxes, and stipulate a progressive rate of income tax;
  D. To formulate laws that regulate the rate of land rent;
  E. To abolish all laws that bind women, who shall enjoy equal rights politically, economically, socially and in education;
  F. To improve the education system and implement universal education.
  The above seven items are beneficial to the workers, peasants, and petty bourgeoisie and are a necessary condition for liberating them from their present-day oppressors. We must work together to liberate ourselves! The workers and poor peasants must fight around the banner of the Communist Party of China and then unite with the petty bourgeoisie!   However, if the workers are to be on this democratic united front without serving as appendages of the petty bourgeoisie, and at the same time to fight for the interests of their own class, then it is very important for them to organize themselves in the Communist Party and the trade unions; therefore, the workers must always remember that they as an independent class should achieve the goal of their complete liberation by training their organizational and combat capabilities and by preparing to organize Soviet committees in alliance with the poor peasants.
  The Chinese Communist Party is a branch of the International Communist Party—it shouts to the Chinese workers and poor peasants: Quickly gather and fight under the banner of the Communist Party! At the same time, it shouts to all the oppressed people in China: Let’s fight together with the workers and poor peasants gathered under the banner of the Communist Party of China! And it shouts loudly: Let’s advance shoulder to shoulder with the revolutionary partners all over the world! Only “the unity of the proletariat and the oppressed nations of the world” is the way to liberate the whole world! Go ahead! Advance together!
  Down with the warlords!
  Down with international imperialists!
  Fight for peace!
  Fight for freedom!
  Fight for independence!
  Long live peace, freedom and independence!
  Long live the liberation of the oppressed masses!
  Long live the Chinese Communist Party!
  Long live the International Communist Party!
常常有初涉翻譯的同学问我,做好翻译需要哪些过程?其实,这跟做其他学术也没有什么不同,无非还是那“三板斧”——理论、历史、实践。具体到翻译上,就是翻译理论,包括具有描述、解释、预测功能的纯翻译理论,以及具有指导功能的应用翻译理论,具有借鉴功能的翻译史,还有具有实用功能的翻译实践。  法国哲学家帕斯卡曾经说过:“智慧胜于知识。”如果说,知识回答的是“是什么”,那么,智慧回答的就是“怎么样”和“为什么”
【譯者言】 翻译必须考虑语境。如何根据语境在译文中选择对应原文的最佳表达式,是机器翻译面临的一个难题,原因是机器翻译仅“根据词向量做运算,根本不知道文本的内容”(冯志伟与本文作者私信)。本期的多个注释都反映了机器翻译这方面的不足。遇到俗语、习语之类整体表达式,机器基本都译错了,把整个构造逐词解读,导致无法提供正确译文。这方面的问题其实并不难解决。扩大翻译软件的俗语和习语库,即可大大提升译文的准确率
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