
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mcdonaldz
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目的:比较B超引导下细针吸取穿刺和传统细针吸取穿刺在甲状腺肿块性质确定中意义。方法:使用B超引导下细针吸取穿刺(UG-FNAB)和传统细针吸取穿刺技术(c-FNAB)对225例甲状腺肿块进行穿刺活检,然后进行涂片,染色,镜检,结合临床作出细胞学诊断,并与组织切片诊断对照,比较两种方法的确诊率。结果:在UG-FNAB检测病例中59.3%的结节位于甲状腺右叶,40.7%肿块位于左叶和峡部。87%的患者甲状腺机能正常,结节最长径平均为2.8±1.1 cm,部分病例符合甲状腺恶性肿瘤的超声影像学改变。在本研究中诊断为甲状腺乳头状癌的病例细胞学和组织学特点均符合甲状腺癌形态学特点。在225例研究病例中,总确诊率为72.89%(164/225),其中UG-FNAB组确诊率为90.58%(77/85),C-FNAB组确诊率为62.14%(87/140),两组确诊率比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:本组研究数据显示比较C-FNAB,UG-FNAB在诊断甲状腺复杂性结节中具有更高的确诊率,特别是在C-FNAB方法不能得出明确诊断时。 OBJECTIVE: To compare the significance of fine needle aspiration and traditional needle aspiration in the determination of thyroid mass under the guidance of B ultrasound. Methods: A total of 225 cases of thyroid masses were biopsied by fine needle aspiration (UG-FNAB) and conventional fine needle aspiration (c-FNAB) guided by B-ultrasound, followed by smears, staining, and microscopy. Cytological diagnosis, and compared with the diagnosis of tissue sections, compared the accuracy of the two methods. RESULTS: Of the UG-FNAB cases, 59.3% were located in the right thyroid lobe, and 40.7% were located in the left lobe and isthmus. 87% of patients had normal thyroid function, and the longest diameter of the nodules averaged 2.8±1.1 cm. Some cases were consistent with ultrasound imaging changes of thyroid malignancy. The cytological and histological features of the cases diagnosed as papillary thyroid carcinoma in this study were consistent with the morphological features of thyroid cancer. Among the 225 study cases, the total diagnosis rate was 72.89% (164/225), with a diagnosis rate of 90.58% (77/85) in the UG-FNAB group and a 62.14% (87/140) diagnosis rate in the C-FNAB group. There was a significant difference in the rate of diagnosis between the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion: The data from this study show that C-FNAB and UG-FNAB are more accurate in diagnosing complex thyroid nodules, especially when the C-FNAB method cannot provide a definitive diagnosis.
受远古先民石板导热法的启示,如今一些餐馆推出的新菜也流行用卵石导热。笔者最近创制了以下三款楚风跳水菜,今将其笔录如下,以与同行共享。 玉蝶扑泉 原料:鲜活豺鱼 1条(约 750克)香菇
土豆是一种很受人们欢迎的烹饪原料。一般说来,烹制土豆适宜采用炒、烧、蒸、煮等方法。但笔者最近学到两款土豆菜肴,都是用油炸的方法烹制成菜的,且制法独特。现介绍如下: 三鲜
雪丽果味虾 原料:对虾500克鸡蛋清4个苹果2个西兰花100克生粉40克苹果酱3克番茄酱2克白糖20克盐3克胡椒粉1克味精1克料酒、姜、葱、鲜汤各适量色拉油1000克(约耗100克) 制法: 1.虾去头,剥去壳,除去砂线,纳碗,用
麒麟扒瓜方 备料:鸡脯肉、火腿、冬瓜、香菇、鲜菜心、姜、葱、蛇油、盐册椒粉、料酒、白糖、味精、水豆粉、鲜汤、精炼油 1.鸡脯肉用盐、胡椒粉、料酒、姜、葱码味后,上宠蒸熟。
我们都知道,嘴巴有两个功能,一是吃饭,一是说话。我们常常认为,人天生就会吃,用不着教;说话嘛,倒是需要教一教。殊不知,这两个本事都需要教,两个功能都需要训练。而且,绝不能小瞧了教吃饭,因为,吃不好饭就说不好话。  民间有一句俗话:说话要把下巴托牢。其实,吃饭和说话是一个道理,都需要口腔的动作。口腔包括下颚、嘴唇和舌三个部分。小儿在进食中,食物由液体转向半固体及固体,质地由柔软转向坚硬。在日复一日的
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