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2.1.4商品内在价值因素这个因素的重要性也是很明显的,商品内在价值的大小最终要从市场上反映出来。商品内在价值越大,在正常情况下,它的市场需求也越大,销售也就越畅:反之,商品在市场上的销售就会受到阻碍。在商品内在价值较高的情况下,配合恰当的促销形式,促销活动就能得到较好的效果。可是如果商品的内在价值很差,那么即使有再好的促销形式,也发挥不了多大的作用。所以,认清自己商品的状况,看看它是处在市场发展中的新兴阶段、成熟阶段,还是处在衰老阶段:市场是接受它、观望它、还是否定它,都是必须仔细给予考虑的。 2.1.5市场战略因素如果公司做的不是“一锤子”买卖,并不仅局限 2.1.4 The intrinsic value factor of the commodity The importance of this factor is also obvious. The size of the intrinsic value of the commodity must ultimately be reflected in the market. The greater the intrinsic value of a commodity, the greater its market demand and the better its sales under normal circumstances. Conversely, the sale of a commodity in the market will be hindered. In the case of high intrinsic value of the product, promotion activities will be able to achieve better results with proper promotion. However, if the intrinsic value of the product is poor, even if there is no better form of promotion, it will not be able to play a significant role. Therefore, recognize the status of your commodity and see whether it is in the emerging stage, mature stage, or aging stage of the market development: whether the market accepts it, watches it, or deny it, must be carefully considered. . 2.1.5 Market Strategy Factors If the company is not doing a “one-hit” sale, it is not limited
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介绍了深圳华美钢厂棒材半连轧生产线工艺、设备及精轧区电控系统的技术改造。在改造中取消了原生产线上的围盘轧制 ,形成了连轧工艺 ,选用了高刚度短应力线轧机以及西门子全