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山东铝厂是我国“一五”时期建设起来的特大型铝工业联合企业。山东铝厂在齐鲁这块古老文明的文化圣地的培育熏陶下,经过四十年的风风雨雨,逐步孕育发展起了具有山东铝厂特色的企业文化。四十年来,山铝人在这片肥沃的绿洲上。辛勤耕耘,奋力拼搏,使企业不断发展壮大。目前,全厂有2万名职工,固定资产原值10亿元,年产氧化铝50万吨,铝锭3.5万吨,水泥110万吨,还生产铝型材、金属镓、阳极糊、易拉罐、多品种氧化铝等上百种产品,形成包括机械制造、动力机修、矿山开采、铁路运输、建筑安装、铝制品加工、热电供应、科研开发等生产门类配套的铝工业联合企业,是全国123家特大型企业之一,在全国有色系统年上交利税居前5位。四十年,为国家创造产值190多亿元,利税21.5亿元。并荣获了“全国经济效益显著的企业”、“全国思想政治工作优秀企业”、“五一劳动奖状”、“六五技术进步奖”等40多个国家级荣誉称号。山铝人创出了世人惊叹的业迹。是企业文化建设 Shandong Aluminum Plant is a large aluminum industrial complex built in the period of “January 5” in our country. Shandong Aluminum Plant under the cultivation and cultivation of this ancient civilization of Qilu culture, after forty years of ups and downs, and gradually developed from the characteristics of Shandong aluminum plant culture. Forty years, Shan aluminum in this fertile oasis. Hard work, work hard, so that enterprises continue to grow and develop. At present, the whole plant has 20,000 employees, the original value of fixed assets 1 billion yuan, with an annual output of 500,000 tons of alumina, aluminum ingot 35,000 tons, 1.1 million tons of cement, but also the production of aluminum, gallium metal, anode paste, cans, And more than 100 kinds of products such as aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum oxide, One of the large enterprises, in the National Nonferrous Metals Systems Year tax top 5. In the past 40 years, it has created more than 190 billion yuan in output value and 2.15 billion yuan in profits and taxes for the country. And won the “national economic significant enterprises”, “the national ideological and political work of outstanding enterprises”, “May 1 Labor Certificate of Merit”, “65 Technology Progress Award” and more than 40 national honors title. Shan Al-people hit the world’s amazing industry. Is the building of enterprise culture
介绍CEBus协议栈结构和标准 ,分析CEBus在电力线传输介质上实现所采用的技术及应用。 This paper introduces the structure and standards of CEBus protocol stack and an
【摘要】 从企业文化建设和思想政治工作异同点的分析出发,探讨了二者在性质、范围、方式、目标和方向上的共性和个性,进而归纳出二者相互融合和创新的路径,即价值上的融合、方式上的融合、内容上的融合,以及组织上的融合。  【关键词】 企业文化;思想政治工作;融合;创新    由于传统的企业思想政治工作不适应新形势的发展,迫切需要寻找新的途径和载体。而企业文化恰恰是适应市场经济发展,加强企业思想政治工作有效