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日前,交通部发布《工程建设标准强制性条文》(公路工程部分),要求各有关单位在公路工程建设的各个环节中认真贯彻执行,并规定自2002年10月1日起,所有公路工程的设计及招投标文件均应有单独章节阐述所执行的强制条文,如未涉及强制性条文亦应明示。《强制性条文》的出台对强化公路工程质量管理,防止质量事故发生具有重要的意义。首先,《强制性条文》是进行公路工程建设时必须执行的标准,“必须”两个字突出了条文的强制性;其次,《强制性条文》不仅适用于所有的公路工程,而且将工程质量的监督权交给了整个社会,大大加强了质量监督力度;第三,《强制性条文》重点对涉及人民生命财产安全、环境保护等方面的内容作出了明确规定,对提高公路建设水准将起到积极的促进作用。希望本期编发的相关内容,能够引起公路工程建设各方的重视,使有关单位在工作中尽快适应条文的要求,担负起应尽的责任。 Recently, the Ministry of Communications issued the “Mandatory Provisions on Engineering Construction Standards” (part of highway engineering), requiring all relevant units to conscientiously implement them in all aspects of highway construction and stipulating that all highway projects The design and bidding documents shall contain the mandatory provisions as set forth in the separate sections, which shall also be indicated if no mandatory provisions are involved. The promulgation of the “Mandatory Provisions” is of great significance to strengthening the quality management of highway projects and preventing the occurrence of quality accidents. First of all, the “mandatory provisions” are the standards that must be implemented in the construction of highway projects. The word “must” underscores the mandatory nature of the provisions. Secondly, the “mandatory provisions” apply not only to all road projects but also to The supervisory power of project quality has been handed over to the society as a whole and greatly strengthened the quality supervision. Thirdly, the “mandatory provisions” clearly stipulate the content concerning people’s lives, property and safety and environmental protection, Will play a positive role in promoting. It is hoped that the relevant contents compiled and issued in this issue can arouse the attention of all parties involved in highway construction and enable the relevant units to meet the requirements of the provisions as soon as possible in their work and assume their due responsibilities.
本文主要介绍有效利用静止卫星轨道和频谱的基本原理、以及影响它们的因素。 This article focuses on the rationale for the effective use of geostationary satellite o
摘要:生物学科本身的实践性非常强,与生活之间的联系紧密,因此在教学中,教师应该充分利用生物实验,培养学生的动手能力以及理论联系实际的能力,如此才能够真正完成生物学科的使命,发挥生物教学的作用。本文就以实验教学法在初中生物教学中的应用进行具体分析。  关键词:实验教学法;初中生物教学;应用  实验是所有理科科目中必学的一部分,也是理科教学无法离开的工具。当然,生物也不例外。初中生物是学生接触生物学知
第一部分 取消以药补医探索第二部分 取消以药补医影响第三部分 公立医院应对策略第四部分 对政府的几点建议第一部分 取消以药补医探索2013年3月14卫生部副部长、国务院医改