
来源 :金属热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bennkyoumusi
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The mechanism of pack RE|chrome|boronizing and the effects of RE and Cr elements on the formation of RE|chrome|boroinized layer were studied by the aid of thermodynamic calculations and the layers compositions analyses in this paper.The results show that boronizing plays a leading role in pack ER|chrome|boronizing because active RE and Cr atoms are obtained by reducing the solid materials,and then RE and Cr atoms dissolve in the RE|chrome|boronized layer,be fine and close (Fe,Cr,RE)-2B phase in texture,by way of passing the grain boundary chiefly and replacement|spreading separately.The spreading of RE and Cr atoms plays an important role in forming the fine columnar grains and decreasing surface|layer voids of RE|chrome boronized layer. The mechanism of pack RE | chrome | boronizing and the effects of RE and Cr elements on the formation of RE | chrome | boroinized layers were studied by the aid of thermodynamic calculations and the layers compositions analyses in this paper. The results show that boronizing plays a leading role in pack ER | chrome | boronizing because active RE and Cr atoms are obtained by reducing the solid materials, and then RE and Cr atoms dissolve in the RE | chrome | boronized layer, be fine and close (Fe, Cr, RE) - 2B phase in texture, by way of passing the grain boundary chiefly and replacement | spreading separately.The spreading of the RE and Cr atoms plays an important role in forming the fine columnar grains and decreasing surface | layer voids of RE | chrome boronized layer.
祁县位于晋中盆地中部,汾河东岸,汾河流径祁县段长达14公里,地理位置介于东经112°11′30″~112°42′与北纬37°5′24″~37°30′之间,东西宽约15公里,南北长约65公里,国土总面积854.38平方公里。全县辖8镇160个行政村,总人口26.4万人,其中农业人口20.63万人。  近年来,祁县县委县政府,以科学发展观为统领,以全面构建和谐社会为目标,坚持巩固、提高和发展的基本原则
摘 要以2年生幼齡橡胶树为试材,采用落叶期换土移栽法,利用15N同位素示踪技术,研究了少量施氮(N28)、适量施氮(N56)和过量施氮(N84)3个氮素水平下幼树的生长差异及氮吸收、利用和分配特性。结果表明:适量施氮肥利于树体生长。以N28处理为对照,N56和N84处理均通过促进根系生长进而促进地上部生长,且N56处理对地上部生长的促进作用较N84更为显著。N28、N56和N84处理橡胶树当年氮肥