Petrological evidence for isobaric cooling of ultrahightemperature pelitic granulites from the Khond

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The ultrahigh-temperature(UHT) pelitic granulites from the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton(NCC), contain ilmenite in the matrix, which has been partially replaced by rutile. Based on this observation and the growth of biotite by garnet-consuming reaction, the UHT rocks are inferred to have recorded three metamorphic stages: the peak metamorphic stage(M1) and two retrograde metamorphic stages(M2 and M3). The M1 stage is represented by the assemblage of perthite+sillimanite+ ilmenite in the matrix, and quartz inclusions bearing(in the cores) garnet porphyroblasts. The M2 stage is defined by rutile-replacing ilmenite and growth of garnet mantles and rims containing acicular sillimanite inclusions, with the garnet+ perthite+ sillimanite+rutile+ ilmenite+ quartz assemblage. The M3 stage is recorded by the growth of biotite in the matrix, with the garnet+ biotite+ perthite+ sillimanite+rutile+ilmenite+quartz assemblage. Based on phase equilibrium modeling, an isobaric cooling path is reconstructed, which is consistent with the idea that mantle-derived magma provided the heat for the UHT metamorphism in the Khondalite Belt, NCC. The ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) pelitic granulites from the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton (NCC), contain ilmenite in the matrix, which has been partially replaced by rutile. Based on this observation and the growth of biotite by garnet-consuming reaction, the UHT rocks are inferred to have recorded three metamorphic stages: the peak metamorphic stage (M1) and two retrograde metamorphic stages (M2 and M3). The M1 stage is represented by the assemblage of perthite + sillimanite + ilmenite in the matrix, and quartz inclusions bearing (in the cores) garnet porphyroblasts. The M2 stage is defined by rutile-replacing ilmenite and growth of garnet mantles and rims containing acicular sillimanite inclusions, with the garnet + perthite + sillimanite + rutile + ilmenite + quartz assemblage. The M3 stage is recorded by the growth of biotite in the matrix, with the garnet + biotite + perthite + sillimanite + rutile + ilmenite + quartz assemblage. Based on phase equilibrium modeling, an isobaric cooling path is rec onstructed, which is consistent with the idea that mantle-derived magma provided the heat for the UHT metamorphism in the Khondalite Belt, NCC.
近年来我们用中西医结合方法治疗中老年患者创伤术后发热 50例 ,同时设对照组进行疗效对比观察 ,现报告结果如下 :1 一般资料将患者随机分为治疗组与对照组各 50例。治疗组
摘 要: 赣州的对外经济发展已经成为赣州全面高速发展的新增长点,因此经贸英语翻译人才的培养对进一步宣传赣州具有举足轻重的作用。本文结合赣州经济发展的需求,根据经贸英语翻译的特点,总结并探讨经贸英语翻译人才培养的目标定位和培养途径。  关键词: 赣州对外经济发展 经贸翻译特点 人才培养途径  一、引言  现阶段,我国各地为了进一步发展地方经济,需要大量符合当地发展特色的高校人才,切准地方经济发展脉搏
笔者临床发现人乳头瘤病毒感染视器病例 1则 ,经中西医结合治疗 ,讨论报告如下 :  患者 ,某女 ,74岁。 1年前无明显诱因 ,双眼充血 ,继而发生睑球粘连 ,右眼重 ,右眼视力迅