First, the historical evolution The oldest file in the Kingdom of Denmark can be traced back to the middle of the 12th century, the file has been unable to understand. Most may be lost in the fourteenth century civil war, surviving the residual file damage to the University of Copenhagen Library in 1728 fire, and now only through later copies and excerpts slightly know one or two. The oldest archives preserved in the present state archives are the archives formed by King Wilhelm IV (1340-1375) during the rebuilding of the Danish monarchy, and his daughters, Queen Margaux of Denmark, Norway and Sweden The file formed by Little I. Until the 16th century the archives were still preserved in the most venerated and welcoming Fortress of Fodinghe and the Caron Borg fortress of the Empire, while the modern part of the royal archives was preserved in Copenhagen, the center of Denmark’s central government since the mid-15th century Agency station.