
来源 :今日中学生(初二版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anitalok
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  A colleague told me about the day he went to his high school reunion:“My wife and I walked in the door,and a man I didn’t recognize started hugging me, saying how happy he was to see me. When I confessed that I didn’t know him, he said:“I don’t know you either, but until you came I was the only baldest man here!”
  Answering a knock at my front door, I found a boy selling newspaper subscriptions. I agreed to take one and left him in the entrance hall while I filled out a form. When I finished, the boy thanked me. “You’re a bachelor, aren’t you?”He added.“Yes,”I replied.“How did you know?”
  “Because,”he answered,“your living room looks like my bedroom.”
  Notes:subscriptions报纸订单;fill out a form填写订单;bachelor单身汉
  Once a Frenchman went to a post office in England with a letter in his hand. He bought a stamp, then with the letter he handed them to the girl behind the counter.
  “Stamp it on yourself!”said the girl.
  “Must I stamp it on myself? I want to post the letter,”the man was puzzled and said.
  “You must stamp it on the letter and do it yourself,”the girl shouted.
  Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into the personnel director’s office.“What is the meaning of this?”the director asked.“When you applied for the job, you told us you had five years’ experience. Now we discover this is the first job you ever held.”
  “Well,”the young man said,“in your advertisement you said you wanted somebody with imagination.”
  Notes:personnel director人事处长;apply申请;imagination想象力
  A traveller was staying in an Egyptian village. One day, she held up the camera to take pictures of the children at play. Suddenly the young ones began to shout in protest.
  The traveller’s face turned red and she apologized to the head for what she was doing, and told him she had forgotten that people in some places believe a person lost his soul if his picture was taken. She explained to him the operation of a camera for a long time. Several times the head tried to say something, but couldn’t.
  When she believed she had put the head’s fear to rest, the traveller then let him speak. With the smile, he said,“The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens cap!”
   Mr Green heard that a certain government department wanted a clerk, so he wrote to ask for the position. But while he was waiting for an answer, a friend of his introduced him to the head of the department, and the head at once gave him the job.
  Several months later, while Mr Green was working in the department, he got a letter that had been sent on to him from his old address. This letter said:
  Dear sir,
  We are sorry to have to tell you that we cannot offer you the work in this department because we do not think that you would be able to do the job successfully.
  Yours Faithfully
  Mr Green laughed, but when he looked at the letter more carefully, he was surprised to see that he had signed it himself!
  Notes:government department政府部门;clerk职员;position职位;offer提供;sign签名
  Long,long ago there lived a king. He was not good at drawing but he liked to draw very much. In his palace people could see piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper was a picture, a very bad picture. Yet the king thought all his pictures were good and he often showed them to others. The people were afraid of the king and said his pictures were very beautiful. The king was very happy.
  One day, the king showed some of his pictures to an artist. The artist looked at the pictures for some time and said that they were very bad. The king was very angry and put him into prison.
  Some time later on his birthday the king set the artist free. He called the artist to his palace. Again the king showed the artist some of his pictures and asked him what he thought of them.
  The artist looked at the pictures for some minutes. Then he turned to the soldiers standing behind him and said,“Take me back to the prison right now! Don’t keep me waiting!”
放下昨天已有的东西,才能有新的机会。   我不敢提“成功”两个字,每次我有成功感觉的时候,麻烦就会来。每次一说“成功”,就一定会在一个月以内出事。我觉得自己是一个非常普通、非常平凡的人,只不过抓住了中国互联网的机遇发展了起来。现在突然看到别人把我当榜样了,我可是一直是把别人当榜样的。人家都说你怎么那么厉害,那么伟大,包括今天给我出的这个题目也特别高深——《引领时代还是被时代引领》,真的搞大了。我没
俗话说得好:“题好一半文。”标题是文章的眼睛,如果文章拥有一双迷人的“眼睛”,读者对文章往往会一见钟情,而这“迷人”乃是语言之魅力所在。好的标题能收到引人入胜、先声夺人的效果。自拟题目作文,既考查同学们选择角度确立中心的能力,又考查同学们的概括表达能力,同学们切莫等闲视之。本文从四个方面谈谈话题作文如何拟题。   一、话题作文拟题追求的五个目标  新颖、醒目、点睛、文采、丰富。   二、话题作文拟
放假啦!  这个暑假你怎么过?   当个奔波在各个培训班的“上班族”?窝在家里当宅男宅女?不亦乐乎做网虫?游历山水做徐霞客?……  一千个人,就有一千种过暑假的方法。不管怎么过,收获多多才是王道。  且看下面同学的另类暑假,他们的酷行路线图和收获。    另类路线图一:快乐小农夫  “放假后的第二周,我就被老妈赶出了门。”初二男生张啸林,被妈妈赶到了乡下远房表婶家。  第一天的晚饭是烧茄子,尾随表
有同学来信说:“小学生太幼稚,高中生太累,大学生太圆滑,只有初中生最完美;初一不懂事,初三太辛苦,还是初二最好。”  随着对校园环境的熟悉,初二的我们已经没有了刚入学时的紧张、不适或新奇;由于离中考还有一年多的时间,初二的我们也没有足够强烈的学习动力。可以说,这是平稳发展的一年,但也是危机四伏的一年。  在你眼中,初二年级,究竟是什么模样呢?    学长日记:  (一位即将参加中考的初三学长,回顾
在儿子的眼里,卖冰棍是活生生的折磨,冰棍比不上鸡肋。在童年的爸爸眼里,冰棍却是难得一尝的美味,滋味悠长,卖冰棍是对人生的美好愿望。  时代变了,有一些东西却不该改变。    “放假了,有啥打算?”吃饭时,爸爸抬眼问我。  “也没啥打算,做做作业,预习预习下学期的功课……”我一边说,一边在心里想,当然还有上网打游戏、邀友郊游K歌,玩他个昏天黑地。  “这样吧,你每天上午写作业,下午卖冰棍雪糕,锻炼锻
解答比较分式大小的问题时,要注意因题而异,巧用一定的方法.   一、巧用通分   例1 已知a、b、c满足a+b+c=0,abc=8,且M=■+■+■,则( ).   (A)M>0?摇?摇(B)M<0?摇?摇(C)M=0?摇?摇(D)M≠0   分析:从通分入手,得M=■=■. 要确定M与0之间的大小关系,只需确定ab+bc+ca与0之间的大小关系.   解:显见,M=■.  ∵ (a+b+c)
寒假,小虎早早地就回到了爷爷奶奶家。老家的人小虎认识的不多,可是他们都很热情,听说他回来了,左邻右舍的叔伯婶婶爷爷奶奶们都拉小虎到家里吃饭。在三爷爷家吃饭时,上了一道热腾腾的火锅,可是三爷爷家的电火锅是三脚插头,而三爷爷家厨房里的插座却是两孔的。三爷爷似乎很有办法,将三脚插头掰去一根,直接给插进厨房的两孔插座里去了,小虎觉得不妥,连忙制止三爷爷,可是却被热情的让菜给压下去了。   吃着吃着,大家闻
“无知”的冠军  2011年2月14日至16日,美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)的超级电脑“沃森”,参加了全美国最著名的智力竞答电视节目《危险!》,与两位人类顶尖高手詹宁斯和拉特同场较量。经过三轮的角逐,最终以技高一筹的“沃森”大获全胜而告终。赛后,IBM公司宣布将冠军“沃森”获得的100万美元奖金全数捐给慈善机构;亚军拉特和季军詹宁斯也捐出了各自奖金的一半。  创立于1964年的《危险!》智力竞赛
现任中国乒乓球男队主教练的刘国梁,是中国第一个大满贯获得者,荣誉无数。然而,在这些耀眼光环的背后,有哥哥刘国栋的无私牺牲——故意输球,让弟弟入选亚特兰大奥运会名单,无私奉献——做弟弟的陪练……  如今,两人都是乒坛名教练。一个执掌中国男队,成绩世人瞩目;一个执掌新加坡女队,成绩节节攀升。  哥当陪练  刘国栋和刘国梁出生于河南新乡,刘国栋1974年生,刘国梁比他小两岁。在新乡市体委当乒乓球教练的爸
出游的愿望  上一个季节天气抽风,淅淅沥沥的小雨下个不停,就在所有人即将发霉的时候,终于迎来了阳光灿烂的日子。  大伙儿蠢蠢欲动,渴望出去踏春。有胆大者向班主任进言,建议去一个大家都没去过的古镇,结果铩羽而归。老师沉着脸嘱咐我们:学校为了安全起见,不准各班举行春游等相关活动。  班上一片呼嚎。班主任把黑板擦使劲往课桌上一摔,点名闹得凶的几个同学去办公室面壁。而我是嚎得最凶的那一个。  办公室里,几