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湖北省随州市三里岗镇,过去镇机关工作基本上沿袭着“按职分工,各把一口,包片驻村,应付两头”的旧模式。这种管理办法,一是造成线上工作力量薄,中心配合不默契,整体工作无活力,主要领导负担重;二是干部政绩考核无指标,量化无标准,方法单一化,大家沉浸于平均主义的误区之中,“南郭先生”多,愚公精神少;三是工作容易形成多中心,“一人一把号,各说各重要”,冲击了经济建设这个中心的中心;四是不能触及干部的切身利益,形成干好干坏一个样,干多干少一个样,干与不干一个样的懒散局面。为了适应新的形势,镇政府根据全年主要工作目标,把粮油生产、多种经营、工业企业、造林绿 Sanliang Township, Suizhou, Hubei Province. In the past, the work of the township authorities basically followed the old model of “working according to posts and positions, putting one piece in each and covering the village with two ends”. This approach to management, one is to create a thin line of work, the center with the tacit understanding, the overall vitality of the work, the main burden on the leadership; Second, cadres performance appraisal no indicators, quantitative no standard, method of simplification, we immersed in egalitarian Of the misunderstandings. Among them, “Mr. Nan Guo” has a lot of foolish spirit; third, it is easy to form a multi-center work; “one man and one trumpet, each says each and every important one” has an impact on the center of economic construction; fourthly, we can not touch cadres The vital interests of the formation of a good dry and a bad, dry and dry less like a dry and do not do a kind of lazy situation. In order to adapt to the new situation, the town government in accordance with the main objectives of the year, the grain and oil production, diversified operations, industrial enterprises, afforestation green
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