围绕市委工作中心 加强和改进思想政治工作

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去年以来,我们组织认真学习贯彻中发[1999]17号文件和江总书记在全国思想政治工作会上的重要讲话精神,围绕市委工作中心,树立表率意识、阵地意识、创新意识。通过加强和改进思想政治工作,取得全厅思想政治建设和各项业务工作相互促进、相得益彰、双赢发展的良好效果。仅1999年,全厅有关工作受到中办和湖北省、武汉市有关部门表彰20余次,并被市委、市政府评为全市目标管理立功单位。今年“七一”,厅机关党委被市直机关工委评为“先进基层党组织”。 Since last year, we have conscientiously studied and implemented the document [1999] No.17 issued by the Central Government and General Secretary Jiang’s important speech at the National Ideological and Political Work Conference. We have set a clear awareness on the ground, awareness on the ground and sense of innovation in the work center of the CPC Central Committee. Through strengthening and improving ideological and political work, the Company achieved good results in the ideological and political building of the entire hall and in promoting the mutual promotion of various business operations, which complement each other and win-win development. In 1999 alone, the relevant work of the whole hall was commended more than 20 times by the Office of the CPC Central Committee and relevant departments of Hubei Province and Wuhan Municipality, and was awarded the municipal management unit with the goal of management by the municipal party committee and municipal government. This year’s “1 July”, the hall organ party committee was rated as “advanced grass-roots party organizations.”
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