“浮生六记”之卷二 闲情记趣(节选)

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余忆童稚时,能张目对日,明察秋毫。见藐小微物必细察其纹理,故时有物外之趣。夏蚊成雷,私拟作群鹤舞空。心之所向,则或千或百果然鹤也。昂首观之,项为之强。又留蚊于素帐中,徐喷以烟,使其冲烟飞鸣,作青云白鹤观,果如鹤唳云端,怡然称快。于土墙凹凸处,花台小草丛杂处,常蹲其身,使与台齐;定神细视,以丛草为林,以虫蚁为兽,以土砾凸者为丘,四者为壑,神游其中,怡然自得。一日,见二虫斗草间,观之正浓,忽有庞然大物拔山倒树而来,盖一癞蛤蟆也,舌一吐而二虫尽为所吞。余年幼方出神,不觉呀然惊恐,神定,捉蛤蟆,鞭数十,驱之别院。年长思之,二虫之斗,盖图奸不从也,古语云“奸近杀”,虫亦然耶?……此皆幼时闲情也。 When Yu Yi was immature, he would be able to see his eyes on the day and see clearly. Seeing that the little things must be examined carefully for their texture, there is an extraneous interest. Summer mosquitoes become mines, privately planned for group crane dance empty. The direction of the heart, or thousand or one can really crane. The highest priority is given to the project. They also kept mosquitoes in the prime account. Xu sprayed with smoke to make it fly and fly, for the view of the Qingyun Baihe, and if the cranes were in the clouds, they would be satisfied. In the embossment of the earthen wall, the flowers and grasses are mixed and miscellaneous, often smashing their bodies to make them communicable with Taiqi; scrutinizing the deities, taking plexus grass as the forest, insect ants as the beast, and the land pebbles as the mounds, and the four as gongs. Amused in one of them. One day, see the two insects fighting between the grass, the view is strong, suddenly there is a big thing to pull down the mountain and come down from the tree, cover a pimple also, the tongue vomiting and the two insects to swallow. After many years of juvenility, he felt terrified when he was young. He decided to catch up and whip dozens. The elderly think, the fight of two insects, cover the plot is not from the same, the old saying cloud “rape near kill”, insects also yeah yeah ... ... this is all childhood leisure.
不少同学在解等腰三角形的问题时,常易漏解,现举例剖析如下一、臆断腰和底边例1 已知等腰三角形的两边长是8、10,此三角形的周长是多少? Many students are often apt to m
羡慕古时的科举制度,写一篇文章就可以完事,为何现在的语文教育多了这么多的题型,作文之外,还要选择、阅读、默写? 有些选择不明白学了有什么作用,像选择没有语病的句子,难
课内提升一、根据拼音写汉字或根据汉字写拼音1.不逊( ) 2.ni( )名3.教诲( ) 4.诘( )责5.深恶( )痛疾6.ji( )形7.发ji( ) 8.油光可jian( )9.斥( )责10.抑( )扬顿挫二、辨形
在数学解题中,常会碰到形如“(x+y)/(1-xy)”的结构,这时可类比正切的和角公式,进行三角代换,就能使比较隐蔽关系显现出来,从而实现难题巧解.下面举例说明. In mathematics