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自1995年自治区人民政府决定开展创建“社会文化先进县”活动以来,各级人民政府高度重视,把创建“社会文化先进县”活动纳人议事日程,以经济建设为中心,坚持社会主义文艺的“两为”方向和“双百”方针,并按照“社会文化先进县”的要求加大了投入力度,认真抓好文化馆(站)、博物馆(所)、图书馆(室)的建设, Since the decision of the People’s Government of the autonomous region in 1995 to establish the “advanced county for social and cultural activities,” the people’s governments at all levels have attached great importance to adhering to the agenda of establishing “advanced counties of social culture,” taking economic construction as the center, In accordance with the principle of “two directions” and “double hundreds” of socialist literature and art and increasing input in accordance with the requirements of “advanced county of social culture”, we should earnestly pay attention to the construction of cultural centers (stations) and museums , Library (room) construction,
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。上海野生动物园@李都 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Shanghai Wi
世界银行《一九九二年度世界发展报告》对世界一百二十个国家综合发展水平进行了打分排队,我们国家“人口素质”项目得到了二十三分,比世界平均分数还低一分! “人口素质”
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位:现将市财政局、地方税务局、国有资产管理局《关于支持我市宣传文化事业发展若干措施的报告》批转给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 District
A meeting in commemorationof Arthur Clegg, an old friendof the Chinese people andBritish social activist was heldin Beijing on April 25, 1994. Huang Hua, Chen
Objective To analyze the clinical and pathological data and prognosis of Ig A nephropathy patients with microalbuminuria and deposition of C3,and to investigate
近年来 ,台湾地区的历史教科书有许多重大变化。以高中历史为例 ,原先历史教科书都由“国立编译馆”统编 ,1 999年台湾教育行政当局开放民间编写 ,“国立编译馆”只负责审查