两条直线的垂直关系是一种重要的图形位置关系,在复平面上利用复数乘法的几何意义有时可以很方便地处理垂直问题. 首先我们有下面的结论: 设zA、zB是两个非零复数,它们在复平面上对应的点分别为A、B,则OA⊥OB的充要条件是zB=zA·(?)i.其中(?)为非零实数,i为虚数单位. 还可以推广到一般的情形: 设zA、zB、zC、zD是四个复数,且zA≠zC,zB≠zD,它们在复平面上对应的点分别为A、B、
The vertical relationship between two straight lines is an important positional relationship of graphs. The use of the geometric meaning of complex multiplications on complex planes can sometimes handle vertical problems easily. First we have the following conclusion: Let zA, zB be two nonzero Complex numbers, their corresponding points in the complex plane are A, B, then OA ⊥OB is a necessary and sufficient condition for zB = zA · (?) i. where (?) is a non-zero real number, i is an imaginary unit. Generalize to the general situation: Let zA, zB, zC, zD be four complex numbers, and zA≠zC, zB≠zD. Their corresponding points on the complex plane are A, B, respectively.