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我想总结一下近来眼外科学的病理生理学和药理学的知识,重点是眼前段外科学。因为我们是在人体中最精细的器官做手术,要特别强调手术时尽量溅少对组织的损害。显然,达到此目的的途径是在手术显微镜下准确地做手术,并使手术器械和技术精益求精。而目前这方面的进展也确实改善了我们手术的结果。但即使这样,手术仍然对组织造成一系列的损伤,所以要另想办法,即应当了解组织本身对手术反应的机理,以便设法减少这类有害的组织反应。因而有必要系统地研究手术损害引起的眼反应的病理生理学、生物化学和药理学。研究眼外科学的病理生理学就是要对手术后的情况作细致的随访。文献中很多术后结果的回顾性研究很有帮助。但这些资料常不完整,因为对各个病例术后并发症的症状和病征未能予以同样详细的记录,特别是有众多手术者和观察者参加时更是如此。应强调要按前瞻性随访计划研究术后眼的情况。临床印象和主观评价对描述眼部情况是很有价值 I would like to summarize the recent knowledge of pathophysiology and pharmacology of ophthalmology, with an emphasis on anterior segment surgery. Because we are the most delicate organ in the human body surgery, with special emphasis on surgery splashed as little as possible on tissue damage. Obviously, the way to do this is to perform the surgery accurately under a surgical microscope and to refine the surgical instruments and techniques. The current progress in this area has indeed improved the outcome of our surgery. But even so, the surgery still causes a series of damage to the tissue, so another way of thinking is to understand the mechanism of the tissue’s own response to the surgery so as to try to reduce such unwanted tissue reactions. It is therefore necessary to systematically study the pathophysiology, biochemistry and pharmacology of ocular response to surgical damage. To study the pathophysiology of ophthalmology is to make a detailed follow-up of the situation after surgery. Retrospective studies of many postoperative outcomes in the literature are helpful. However, these data are often incomplete, as the symptoms and signs of postoperative complications in each case can not be documented in the same detail, especially when there are many surgeons and observers. Emphasis should be placed on the study of postoperative ophthalmic conditions on a prospective follow-up plan. Clinical impressions and subjective evaluations are valuable for describing the condition of the eye
目的:以高效液相色谱法测定鸡、灰鸡和黄鸡3种鸡菌子实体中核苷及嘌呤碱基类成分的组成和含量,建立鸡类真菌核苷及嘌呤碱基类成分的控制指标。方法:采用Waters X
由美国加州大学戴维斯分校的Jie Zheng(郑劼)教授和马里兰大学的Matthew C.Trudeau教授共同主编的Handbook of Ion Channels(《离子通道手册》)一书已于2015年2月出版[1]。这