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【本刊讯】国务院一九八○年一月二十二日批转了国家经委、财政部关于《国营工业企业利润留成试行办法》,并为此发出通知指出:试行办法在批准试点的企业中试行。各地原来按照地方自定的办法进行试点的企业,从一九八○年起,原则上都要按这个办法改过来。鉴于利润留成办法试点的时间不长,各地区、各部门一九八○年要集中力量抓好已经批准试点企业的工作,一般不要再扩大试点面。通知要求,各地区、各部门要加强领导,采取切实措施,扎扎实实地把试点工作做好,促进国民经济按照调整、改革、整顿、提高的方针顺利向前发展。 On January 22, 1980, the State Council approved and approved the State Council Economic Commission and the Ministry of Finance on “Trial Measures for the Retention of Profits of State-run Industrial Enterprises”, and issued a circular in response to this, stating that the pilot scheme should be approved by the pilot enterprises In the pilot. Enterprises from all over the country who originally conducted pilot projects according to local custom methods have been reformed according to this principle since 1980. In view of the fact that the profit retention measures have not been piloted for a long time, all regions and departments should concentrate their efforts on the work of those enterprises that have already approved the pilot enterprises in 1980 and should generally not expand their pilot projects. The circular requires that all localities and departments should step up their leadership and take practical measures to do a good job in carrying out the pilot work in a down-to-earth manner so as to promote the smooth progress of the national economy in line with the principles of adjustment, reform, rectification and improvement.
<正> 行政法学,是以行政法规范为主要研究对象的一个法学部门。加强行政法学的研究,对于健全我国社会主义法制,完善社会主义法学体系,促进我国政治体制和经济体制的改革,提高
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