台湾岛上的大陆移民多是闽南、粤东人,他们的风俗习惯大都保持不变,正如清代道光年间到过台湾考察的丁绍仪说的:“台民皆徙自闽之漳州、泉州、粤之潮州、嘉应州,其起居服食、祀祭、婚丧、悉本土风,与内地无甚殊异。”这里撷取几则有益又有趣的饮食保健习俗,以飨读者。 一、冬令重食补。当地人既重传统中药又重食料选择。进补的药料、食料多是“四神”(莲子、芡实、淮山、伏苓)炖猪肚、猪小肠以及
Most of the mainland Chinese immigrants on the island of Taiwan are Minnan and Yuedong people, and most of their customs have remained unchanged. As Ding Shao-yi, who visited Taiwan during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, said: “All are migrating from Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, and Yue of Fujian Chiu Chow and Chia-Ching Chow, their daily living, sacrificial offerings, weddings and funerals, are familiar with the local style, and the Mainland is no different. ”Here are several useful and interesting diet and health habits to readers. First, winter heavy food supplement. Locals both re-traditional Chinese medicine and re-food choice. Tonic medicine, food is mostly “four gods” (lotus seeds, Gorgon, Yam, Fu Ling) stewed pork belly, pig intestine and