Fabrication and characterization of gold nano particles for DNA biosensor applications

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenjun_wu
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This research involves the preparation of a biosensor using silicon oxide for biomedical applications, and its effective use for the detection of target DNA hybridization. An electrochemical DNA biosensor was successfully fabricated by using(3-aminopropyl) tri-ethoxysilane(APTES) as a linker molecule combined with gold nanoparticles(GNPs) on a thermally oxidized SiO_2 thin film. The size of the GNPs was calculated by utilizing UV–vis data with an average calculated particle size within the range of 30±5 nm, and characterization by transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and atomic force microscopy(AFM). The GNP-modified SiO_2 thin films were electrically characterized through the measurement of capacitance, permittivity and conductivity using a low-cost dielectric analyzer. The capacitance, permittivity and conductivity profiles of the fabricated sensor clearly differentiated DNA immobilization and hybridization. This research involves the preparation of a biosensor using silicon oxide for biomedical applications, and its effective use for for detection of target DNA hybridization. An electrochemical DNA biosensor was successfully fabricated by using (3-aminopropyl) tri-ethoxysilane (APTES) as a linker molecule size with the nanoparticles (GNPs) on a thermally oxidized SiO 2 thin film. The size of the GNPs was calculated by utilizing UV-vis data with an average calculated particle size within the range of ± 5 nm, and characterization by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The GNP-modified SiO 2 thin films were electrically characterized by the measurement of capacitance, permittivity and conductivity using a low-cost dielectric analyzer. The capacitance, permittivity and conductivity profiles of the fabricated sensor clearly differentiated DNA immobilization and hybridization.
本文主要探讨了投影在初中物理教学中的作用以及应用方法,旨在通过论述启发广大初中物理教育者,从而提高初中物理教学质量。 This paper mainly discusses the role and app
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