
来源 :人民黄河 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengyunshe
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东平湖位处黄河下游与鲁中太莱山系冲积洪积平原相接的条形洼地,是目前与下游河道直接连通的唯一天然湖泊,也是下游分滞洪区之一。在地质构造上正处于鲁中隆断区和徐州拗陷区交接地带,受不同方向应力作用,形成了从南到北的大断裂带,因此自然成为东西地表水、地下水汇集的地区。古济水和汶、泗等山溪均汇集流经这一带洼地。 Dongping Lake is located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Central Plains alluvial alluvial plain Lu phase lag, is currently the only direct communication with the lower reaches of the natural lake, is also one of the downstream detention basin. It is located in the junction of Luzhonglun and Xuzhou depressions in the geological structure. Due to the stress in different directions, a large fault zone is formed from south to north. Naturally, it becomes an area where both surface water and groundwater are collected. Ancient Ji Shui and Wen, Si and other streams are pooled through the depression.
Soil wind erosion in the semiarid steppe area was studied using the 137Cs tracing technique. Comparisons of 137Cs deposition characteristics between different s
Based on data collected by deep seismic sounding carried out in 1999, a three-dimensional P wave velocity structure is determined with tomographic inversion. Th
急性白血病 (AL)FAB形态学分类是目前诊断分型AL的基本方法[1 ] ,由于AL的异质性、白血病细胞形态的多样性以及复合型白血病、转化型白血病的存在[2 ] ,使单纯形态学检查的准
近日,第323号国务院令公布了《地震安全性评价管理条例》,这个条例自2002年1月1日起施行。 防震减灾法对地震安全性评价进行了原则性规定,这个条例是为加强对地震安全性评价