七月,21世纪第一个夏收时节。 七月,《三月风》200期生日的庆典。 200期,一个又一个冬去春来,一次又一次花落花开。不觉间,《三月风》已到了自己的17岁花季。展卷回首,一期期杂志犹如向前延伸的足印,清晰地映现着成长的历程。 17年了,我们依然清楚地记得,中国残疾人福利基金会成立时。为创办一份以沟通残疾人与社会联系为宗旨的刊物,秋阳中,创办者们聚坐斗室,绞
July, the first summer harvest of the 21st century. July, “March Wind” 200th birthday celebration. 200, one after another winter to spring, blooming again and again. Unconsciously, “March Wind” has reached its 17-year-old season. Roll back, a periodical magazine as forward footprints, clearly reflect the course of growth. For 17 years, we still remember vividly when the China Foundation for the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities was founded. In order to set up a publication with the purpose of communicating with the disabled people and the society, Qiu Yang, the founders gathered in the fighting room, twisted