
来源 :汽车运用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yang97yang
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我单位一辆北京212型越野汽车在起步和换挡变速时,出现离合器冲抖,并且可听到离合器内有杂音,待行驶后,此现象消失,离合器工作一切正常。停车检查,并对各部间隙进行了调整均无效果,后在拆检离合器时,发现离合器减振弹簧拆断了二根,更换后装复试车,此现象消失,行驶至今一切正常。 I unit a Beijing 212 off-road vehicles in the start and shift gear, clutch shake, and can hear the clutch noise, to be driven, this phenomenon disappears, the clutch work properly. Parking inspection, and the Ministry of the gap were adjusted no effect, after dismantling the clutch and found that the clutch damping spring dismantled two replacement car after the retest, the phenomenon disappeared, so far everything is normal.
根据国际洞穴学联合会《通讯》报导 ,第十三届国际洞穴学大会将于 2 0 0 1年 7月 15- 2 2日在巴西首都巴西利亚召开。会间还包括一些特殊的活动 ,如2 0 0 1洞穴艺术、2 0 0 1
1 IntroductionIt is common in mobile belts that uplifting mountains are neighbored by synchronouslysubsiding basins.The coupling mechanism of such subsidence a
一、史图赏析 :1)东海、台湾海峡、南海、爪哇海、马六甲海峡、印度洋、保克海峡、阿拉伯海、霍尔木兹海峡、曼德海峡、红海。 2 )冬季、西北、东北风、逆时针、夏季、东南、
第 1期长白山天池火山区上地壳 Q值结构邓宏钊 张先康 ( 1 )…………………………………利用数字地震记录研究唐山震区台下的 P、S波速度结构…………………………………张
D S-wave Q structure in Jiashi earthquake region is inverted based on the attenuation of seismic waves recorded from earthquakes in this region in 1998 by the R
目的 研究冷休克对p5 3基因突变的PG细胞、p5 3野生型的HeLa细胞的周期调控及 p2 1WAF1/cip1蛋白表达的影响。方法 将PG、HeLa细胞置 4℃冷冻 4h ,使细胞发生冷休克 ,用流